Your motto for 2007: No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings. (William Blake)
It will be a very successful year. If you take any exams this year, you will pass them with flying colours. If you are going to take your Matura exam, you can choose more subjects and be so ambitious you never thought you could be and it will all be really successful. It is a year when you can start new things, take up new sports or hobbies, start learning new languages. So if you always wanted to learn Spanish, that’s the best time! You can also happily fall in love. A very good time for new relationships. Old ones can finish or fade. The only thing you must be careful about is your weight. Avoid sweets and chocolate and try out some healthy products.

Your motto for 2007: The first duty of love is to listen. (Paul Tilich)
It will be a difficult year for a Taurus. At school you will feel very competitive, always trying to prove your point of view. If you fall in love, it will be a difficult relationship. You might be very happy at the beginning because you have what you wanted – the most beautiful girl, or the most handsome boy at school. But later you become possessive and you are not really interested in the needs of the person you love. If you remember not to make these mistakes, it can be actually the best year. You are really successful, you don’t have to prove it all the time.

Your motto for 2007: I’ve learned that you can’t have everything and do everything at the same time. (Ophra Winfrey)
It will be a year of diversity of activities and emotions. You will be in love again – for three times at least! Your boyfriends or girlfriends will be very different – one much older than you, the other a rebel your parents will never accept, one can be an artist. Life will be interesting this year. You will start something new every month. New projects, sports, diets. You will get tired of all these novelties very quickly. It seems you are looking for something but you don’t really know what. You will write poems at night or paint on glass, and then you appear at school almost dead! You don’t understand what teachers say to you. So remember to engage in your new hobbies at the weekends and try be a good pupil.

Your motto for 2007: The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
You won’t waste this year on depression and blue moods. It will be a year of joy. You will be really happy in love. Especially Cancers who are in a relationship will see its revival. The butterflies in your stomach will never vanish… Also your finances will flourish. If you saved money to buy something you were dreaming about, your attempts will be rewarded. You will be given a nice sum of money by a relative and you will buy what you wanted. The only thing you can have some problems with is your health. You might suffer from allergy or stomach problems.

Your motto for 2007: Passion is the quickest to develop and the quickest to fade. (Robert Sternberg)
It will be a year of building your character – and it will be a challenge. All Leos that have some passion in life must be careful, because this year they can suffer from serious doubts and fears. If you always wanted to be a doctor, you can suddenly find out that this profession is very difficult and not rewarded enough. You can change your plans really quickly and forget it later. This year you might finally notice that getting what you really want will cost you lots of effort. But remember – it is worth it, because passion is what gives you strength. This year you will concentrate more on your future, and less on your relationships, so it is not a year of love for lions. Be careful not too spend too much money!

Your motto for 2007: Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it’s cowardice. (George Jackson)
It will be a stressful year. You might feel bombarded by people attacking you from different places. Teachers will either give you bad marks, or, saying you are really talented, will make you work twice harder as anyone else. Your parents will tell you off even when you feel absolutely innocent. You are a very patient person but remember that nobody has right to humiliate you. Try to be stronger. In the second part of the year you will be given some money or you will earn money doing what you like.

Your motto for 2007: Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life. (Burton Hills)
You will be a very happy person this year. If you had any problems, you will have solved them. If you put lots of energy in some plans, you will fulfil them now. It will be time of harvesting and enjoying what you have. The family atmosphere will be great. You will meet interesting new people who will give you new energy and show you things you didn’t know about. The only black cloud can be that some people will envy you. Beware of false friends!

Your motto for 2007: Fortune helps the brave. (Terence)
You will be a star this year. Courageous enough to risk, you will manage to get to the top. Wherever you go people will appreciate your intelligence and appearance. This sudden popularity will make you think really great and will give you new energy you have never dreamt about! You might even be famous or win the lottery – it will be simply a great year for all Scorpios!

Your motto for 2007: Dreams come true. Without that possibility, nature would not incite us to have them. (John Updike)
This will be a year of uncertainty. You will have your dreams but feel they are too big – impossible to be fulfilled. Don’t worry – if you are strong enough, you will get what you want. It will also be a year of travel. You will go to many different places. What is interesting, close to where you live you can find places you will love more than all the exotic destinations. You will learn to look around you this year in the search of inspiration and happiness. You might start writing a diary or poems. You will feel you want to describe the world. Because of all these travels and changes you might be weaker at school – so be careful. Also be careful: some people you meet on the way can cheat you.

Your motto for 2007: What I dream of is the art of balance. (Henri Matisse)
The year 2007 will be a year of balance between all aspects of your life. You will have a stable love relationship or you can start something new, but it will all be quite reasonable. You will be good at school and learn a lot, but never spend nights on mathematics. You will have your old friends and parties sometimes, but not to many. It seems your life will be peaceful and quiet. If you like it, you will be happy. But if you are bored… well, you must look around you and find ways to colour the world, to give it more new energy. But perhaps you need such relax after all troubles you had this year.

Your motto for 2007: Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going. (Jim Rynn)
It will be a year of ups and downs. It is very often your fault because you start something and then don’t fancy finishing. Nobody will do it for you. It would be better for you if you didn’t start anything new, but finish what you’ve been doing lately. Only then you can be successful. And the end of the year you can have the feeling of stability but only if you work hard during the year and forget about your philosophical divagations. In winter be careful – you can have a flu or a bad cold. Go to yoga classes or listen to classical music to relax and avoid winter depression which you are prone to have this year. It will be much better in summer. Life will simply feel different!

Your motto for 2007: No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)
This year you will become a new person. You will learn to believe in yourself. You will notice that everybody appreciates you and the only person who didn’t were you! When you start to think better about yourself, the world will become a safer and more joyful place. You will have many new opportunities this year so don’t be afraid! You can try new things and be good at it! You also can have some adventure. Even if you are in danger, there will be a happy ending because you are strong now and you’ll manage to solve all the problems! You might have problems with your nervousness. Remember to drink lemon balm tea – it’s good for tension.

soar – wzbijać się, wznosić
pass (exams) with flying colours – zdać śpiewająco
fade – blednąć, blaknąć
possessive – zaborczy
rebel – buntownik
blue moods – smutne nastroje
relative – krewny
harvesting – zbiory (plonów)
beware – strzeż się
appreciate – doceniać
incite – podburzać, wzniecać
balance – równowaga
ups and downs – wzloty i upadki
inferior – gorszy
consent – zgoda (na coś)
lemon balm tea – herbatka z melisy
tension – napięcie