Temat: człowiek

Zadanie maturalne

Przeczytaj uważnie artykuł, z którego usunięto 5 zdań. Zdania te wraz z jednym, dodatkowym zdaniem, które nie pasuje do żadnej luki, oznaczono literami A–F. Dobierz zdania tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. W każde puste miejsce wstaw literę odpowiadającą wybranemu zdaniu.

Are you able to deal with stress?

You must have heard as arbitrary as erroneous opinions about so-called “good stress” that, according to many people, is empowering, makes your body react faster and makes your blood circulate more efficiently. But does it make you live better? Although almost everybody has ever met a person who needs to climb Mount Everest at least once a year to be happy and treats snow kiting as a dull, common sport, there should be no doubt that sustained stress causes serious damage in the hippocampus, a part of our brain responsible for learning skills, as well as damages our cardiovascular and immune systems. Should we then do our best to avoid any stress in our lives? 1) …………………………………… The only way to stay sane in such a crazy, stressful life as most of us lead, is to learn how to cope with our everyday stress. Welcome to the test:

1. You have just read a terrifying story in the daily newspaper. How do you react?
a) I put the newspaper aside with a relief. Luckily, I do not need to concern about it.
b) I start thinking of it intensively. 2) ………………………………………… But one day, who knows…
If you have chosen answer b) you are probably letting stress control you. Human can create and imagine almost everything – 3) ……………………………………… You are probably not able to avoid all adventitious suffering one can encounter throughout lifetime, but you will be stronger to face it if you will not waste time on uneffecting worrying beforehand.

2. Your teacher has just told you you had little chance of passing your Matura Exam with flying colours.
a) You burst into tears. What a bad luck!
b) You decide to learn more efficiently and stop watching TV instead of reading obligatory books.
If you have chosen b) you have chosen the best solution. One of the crucial factors in fighting stress is constant developping your positive attitudes towards stressful situations. Certainly, it will not work out unless you support your positive mental traits with “real skills” – in the case of Matura Exam it will be practising reading comprehension, writing compositions and speaking fluency a long time before the exam, but remember – it might not be enough if you are unable to remodel your attitude.

3. Your friend has not called for a few days. You suspect she must have taken an insult because of your recent success. You are really angry with her:
a) You think: “Well, she`s not my friend anymore, let her go” but you feel really sorry.
b) You try to call her and explain the misunderstanding. It must be one – she`s your best friend, she wouldn’t be so envious!
If you have chosen b) some people may find you dishonourable but you probably know friends are usually an excellent source of emotional support and tiny rows are not worth losing them. Although you should feel prepared for many changes in the contemporary world they would better not include your friends – 5) ………………………………. Moreover, it is less stressful then.

A. As far as now nothing like this has happened to me.
B. You are optimistic about your exam, anyhow!
C. Try breathing exercising and visualisation if you are threatened by severe stress.
D. It sounds great, but as all the things sounding perfect, seems a bit impracticable.
E. the more real friends you have the better your life is.
F. and imagination most frequently projects the pictures much more horrifying than really existing threats.

Rozwiązanie i omówienie

1 – D. Wskazówką jest tu słówko „it” (to). Co brzmi wspaniale? Możliwość całkowitego uniknięcia stresu w życiu.

2 – A. Jak do tej pory nic takiego się mi nie przydarzyło. Czyli takiego jak historia opisana w gazecie zdanie wcześniej.

3 – F. Tu kluczem jest słowo „wyobraźnia” (zdanie wcześniej mówi o tym, że człowiek jest w stanie sobie wyobrazić wszystko). Na dodatek mamy tu „and”, więc wiadomo, że raczej nie będzie to początek zdania (zapisany jest nawet małą literą).

4 – B. Ta część tekstu traktuje o egzaminie. Niemniej jednak nie boisz się o swój egzamin (czyli mimo uwag nauczyciela z wcześniejszego zdania).

5 – E. To komentarz do poprzedniej części zdania, która mówi o tym, że warto mieć przyjaciół. Pomaga też ostatnie zdanie zaczynające się od „co więcej”, w którym znajdziemy zaimek „to” – odnosi się właśnie do życia z tego fragmentu.

Nie pasuje nigdzie C – żadna część tekstu nie traktuje o konkretnych technikach radzenia sobie ze stresem w przypadku zagrożenia.