About volunteers

Here are some clues what you can do to make the world a better place.

Homeless Shelters

If you live in a city of any size, there are homeless people. You cannot pass over them in silence. There are homeless shelters that help homeless people with meals, beds and other services. Most homeless shelters welcome volunteers and have a variety of programs through which you can get involved and feel you have done something to make the world a better place. You might help prepare or distribute meals, work behind the scenes in the business office, help organize a food drive to stock the pantry, etc.

Special Olympics
I have always been interested in sports, and helping people is something I need to do to feel good with myself. I am healthy and fit and so are the people I take care of. For two years I have worked for Special Olympics International. It is an international program of year-round sports training and athletic competition for children and adults with mental retardation. The site also describes a wide variety of volunteer activities, including sports training, fund raising, administrative help, competition plan­ning and staffing, etc.

Many hospitals have volunteer programs to help patients both inside and outside the hospital. I have noticed it when my mother was undergoing hospital treatment. What is more, some of the volunteers programs allow participants to explore medical careers and gain work experience. It is easy to contact local hospitals to learn more about opportunities in the area you are interested in.

If you love books and never return books from library on time, there is one thing you can do to improve your situation. Many libraries need help re-shelving books, running children’s programs, making books available to the community, and so on. You can join programme for teen volunteers to assist library staff and read as many books as you have always wanted and help the local community.

Senior Citizens Centres
Many senior citizen centres offer volunteer programs to provide friendship and community activities to senior citizens. If you would like working with senior citizens, simply call a senior citizen centre in your neighbourhood and see what kinds of volunteer programs they have available.

Animal Shelters
If you are an animal lover, you could always work for an animal shelter. Many animal shelters are non-profit or government organizations, and therefore they welcome volunteers to help take care of animals, keep facilities clean and work with the public. Starting the work for animal shelter is as easy as making a call for more information.

Red Cross
The Red Cross helps people in emergencies – whether it’s half a million disaster victims or one sick child who needs blood. Volunteer opportunities exist across Poland and the whole world. This can be a life saving experience for you as it has been for me. Contact your local Red Cross for more information.
This is not everything. If you feel like saving the world one day, try and find: environmental organizations and political campaigns or 800 number volunteer programme to feel fulfilled.

Improve your vocabulary!

pass over (them) in silence – pomijać (ich) milczeniem
homeless shelters – schroniska dla bezdomnych
get involved – angażować się w coś
take care of – opiekować się
undergoing hospital treatment – przechodzić leczenie szpitalne
re-shelving books – przekładanie książek na półkach
gain work experience– zdobywać doświadczenie zawodowe
provide – zapewniać
neighbourhood – sąsiedztwo
animal shelters – schronisko dla zwierząt
facility – urządzenie
disaster victims – ofiary katastrof
blood – krew