
In many schools in Great Britain, students were attacked by bullies. Headmasters try to fight with this problem but it is also vary important for you to know if you, or one of your friends is bullied.

What is bullying?
Bulling is what other people do to you every day or just sometimes but that’s enough to make your life a misery (koszmar).

Bulling includes:

  • hitting (bicie), pinching (szczypanie), biting (gryzienie) and pushing (popychanie);
  • taking your things away from you, destroying your belongings or stealing your money;
  • spreading rumours (rozpowszechnianie plotek) and making things up to get you into trouble;
  • calling you names (wyzywanie);
  • sending offensive phone texts (wysyłanie obraźliwych SMS-ów) or making silent or abusive (obraźliwy) phone calls.

Bullies (dręczyciele) will work out the best way to make you upset. They may laugh at:

  • your appearance: weight, colour of your hair, your clothes;
  • your family;
  • your schoolwork, if you work hard or have any problems like dyslexia;
  • if you stammer, have a disability, wear glasses or hearing aid;
  • if you are a different religion, colour or culture;
  • if you’ve been off school due to illness (jeżeli nie chodziłeś przez jakiś czas do szkoły z powodu choroby)

Bulling make people so upset that they often need to see a doctor. Some of them may hurt themselves or even try to commit suicide (popełnić samobójstwo). There are a lot of pointers (sygnałów) that someone is being bullied (jest nękany). If you see or hear any of them, you should react:

  • somebody is spending breaks on their own;
  • people never ask them to join any activity at school or after it;
  • somebody spreads rumours about them;
  • somebody is called names in the school corridor, in the street or gets nasty phone texts;
  • someone is taking a lot of time off, gets at school late, tries to avoid places like toilets or changing rooms.


  • bulling tyranizowanie, terroryzowanie, zastraszanie


What to do?

You might be afraid that if you try to help anyone who’s being bullied, the bully will pick on you next time but you have to react and there are lots of things you can do:

  • tell the bullied person that you will help her/him to tell the parents;
  • tell your parents what you’ve seen and ask about their opinion;
  • convince your friend you both should make it clear to the person doing the bullying that you don’t like what they are doing;
  • tell your teacher and inform him every time you see somebody being bullied. If your teacher keep an eye on the situation, the bully can be caught red handed.


Stress at school

When dealing with stress at school, the most important thing is to remember that it depends on your attitude. Stress can be a combination of your schedule and schoolwork. If your schedule doesn’t allow you enough time to get all your schoolwork done, you should think of changing it. Avoiding changes, especially when finding time to get your schoolwork done seems almost impossible, and may increase your stress level at school. Here are some things you should think about if you want to be successful.


  • dealing – radząc sobie
  • it depends on your attitude – to zależy od twojej postawy/twojego podejścia
  • schedule – plan zajęć; grafik
  • avoiding changes – unikanie zmian
  • to increase – wzrastać; podnosić
  • stress level – poziom stresu


What may stress cause?

If you let stress rule your life, you may have problems at school but also in your private life. A completely stressed person is an ill person. Look at the list below and you’ll find out what may be caused by stress:

  • feeling constantly tired;
  • finding it hard to make decisions and feeling frustrated about this difficulty;
  • working longer and longer to achieve the same results or less;
  • feeling angry or irritable for no reason;
  • mood swings;
  • lack of self-confidence and self-worth;
  • feeling guilty all the time;
  • aches in your back and shoulders;
  • insomnia, nightmares or waking up still feeling tired;
  • overeating or losing your appetite.


  • let stress rule your life – pozwolić stresowi rządzić swoim życiem
  • an ill person – chora osoba
  • what may be caused – co może być spowodowane
  • constantly tired – ciągle zmeczony
  • hard to make decisions – ciężko podejmować decyzje
  • to achieve the same results or less – osiągać takie same rezultaty albo mniejsze
  • for no reason – bez powodu
  • mood swings – zmiany nastrojów
  • lack of self-confidence – brak pewności siebie
  • self-worth – poczucie własnej wartości
  • guilty – winny
  • aches – bóle
  • insomnia – bezsenność
  • nightmares – koszmary nocne
  • overeating – przejadanie się


How to cope with stress?

  • Become more organised! Before you start doing your homework, make sure you have everything you need: books, paper, pens, notebooks… A lack of organisation can cause more stress and can make it take longer to complete your task.
  • Every day prepare a list of your tasks. Estimate how much time each task will take you to complete and make sure that the tasks that require more work are at the top of your list.
  • Focus on doing your homework in the best way you can instead of doing it perfectly. The world won’t end if you are not the best in everything.
    l Stay focused on your work! Don’t let radio, TV, the Internet or friends distract you. Make sure the place you have chosen to do your homework is quiet and peaceful. You should devote your time and attention to your work.
  • Learn to say ‘no’! When your school schedule is already full, don’t get more work. If your friends or family ask you a favour and you know it won’t let you finish your school work, just say ‘no’. The same thing you should do about going out.
  • Take breaks! You’ll be able to think more clearly if you take breaks. Every 45 minutes get up, stretch your muscles, take a walk or listen to some music. After such a 5-, 10-minute break you’ll feel refreshed and ready to continue your work.


  • to cope – radzić sobie
  • become – stawać się
  • make sure – upewnij się
  • (it) can cause more stress – może spowodować więcej stresu
  • to complete your task – zakończyć zadanie
  • tasks that require – zadania, które wymagają
  • at the top of your list – na górze twojej listy
  • instead of – zamiast
  • the world won’t end – świat się nie skończy (nie zawali się)
  • stay focused – skup się
  • to distract you – rozpraszać cię
  • devote your time and attention – poświęć swój czas i uwagę
  • already full – juz pełen
  • to ask you a favour – prosić cię o przysługę
  • take breaks – rób sobie przerwy
  • more clearly – jaśniej (myśleć jaśniej)
  • stretch your muscles – rozciągnij mięśnie
  • to feel refreshed – poczuć się odświeżonym