Labour Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over the world to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers.
Most countries celebrate Labour Day on May 1, known as May Day. In many countries people celebrate this day with parades, shows and events.

In Poland, Sweden and Norway it is also celebrated on 1st May as well as in Italy where since the ’90, the trade unions organise a massive free concert in Rome.

In Australia, the Labour Day public holiday is on the first Monday in October in the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales and South Australia. In Victoria and Tasmania, it is the second Monday in March (it is called Eight Hours Day). In Western Australia, Labour Day is the first Monday in March. In Queensland and the Northern Territory, it is the first Monday in May.

Labour Day in Canada and the United States is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It is still mainly a day of rest and many picnics are organized. Other celebrations include fireworks displays, water activities, and public art events.
For many Canadian families Labour Day is the last chance to travel before the end of summer. Teenagers and young adults say it is the last weekend for parties before returning to school, which traditionally begins the day after.

An old custom prohibits the wearing of white after Labour Day. The explanation for this tradition is that white clothes are worse protection against cold weather in the winter.

A major reason for keeping the September date is that synchronizing the holiday offers more possibilities for businesses on both sides of the border.

In Poland we’re very lucky because we celebrate the 1st of May and 3rd of May (Constitution Day) so we have at least three days off.

What you can do on the 1st of May?

The weather is usually beautiful, there’s lots of sunshine and you can really rest on this day.

  • Go for a picnic with your friends or family.
  • Go for a long walk in the forest, mountains or along the seaside.
  • Go for a free concert or parade.
  • Rest and do not think of school.
  • Forget about your homework!
  • Be happy and relaxed – this is your day.
  • If you have three days off, go somewhere you love.


Zwróć uwagę!
Wiesz zapewne, że brytyjski angielski różni się czasami od amerykańskiego angielskiego. Różne są słowa określające te same rzeczy, np.: winda: lift (bryt.) – elevator (am.)

Zdarza się również, że Amerykanie i Brytyjczycy używają tych samych słów w tych samych znaczeniach. Wersja amerykańska różni się jednak od wersji brytyjskiej pisownią, np.:

  • teatr: THEATRE (bryt.) – THEATER (am.)
  • litr: LITRE (bryt.) – LITER (am.)
  • Różni się również pisownia ‘our’:
  • kolor: COLOUR (bryt.) – COLOR (am.)
  • ulubiony: FAVOURITE (bryt.) – FAVORITE (am.)
  • Święto Pracy: LABOUR DAY (bryt.) – LABOR DAY (am.)


  • annual – roczny
  • achievements – osiągnięcia
  • free concert – darmowy koncert
  • fireworks displays – pokazy sztucznych ogni
  • the last chance – ostatnia szansa
  • returning – wracanie; powrót
  • a custom – zwyczaj
  • to prohibit – zabraniać
  • protection – ochrona
  • at least – przynajmniej
  • a day off – wolny dzień