You are at school in England, describe a typical school day to you penfriend.

Jesteś w szkole w Anglii, opisz swojemu korespondencyjnemu przyjacielowi, jak wygląda Twój zwykły dzień w szkole.

Hi Yusuf!

I haven’t heard from you for a long time. It’s good to know you are doing well. You ask me how my usual day at school looks like, so here is my letter.
The day starts at 8.40 with the first bell ring. All the pupils go to the registration which lasts until 9 o’clock. Then lessons begin. I have three lessons before the morning break and lunch. After that I have two or three study – periods and another break. Lessons recommence at two o’clock and last until quarter past three. At the end of the school day I’m tired and just go home by bus.
Studying is really a hard work as you see but I’ve made some great friends here, so school doesn’t depress me much.
Take care,