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Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, które z podanych poniżej informacji są zgodne z jego treścią (true – T), a które nie (false – F). Wstaw znak X do odpowiedniej rubryki w tabeli.

The Golden Dream

In the early XIX century an astonishing thing happened in the North America. Nearly half a million people left their homes and headed West along what was called the “The Oregon Trail”. It was a path across the country to California and Oregon.
What made them set out on the journey across sweltering hot deserts, rushing rivers and ragged mountains? The brave men and women who risked their lives to cross these wild and life threatening regions were called “settlers” they were escaping from poverty and hardship in the East and they were all looking for a new beginning and better life in the West.
How did they find out about opportunities that existed in the West? Travellers who have been there on trading expeditions brought back stories of warmer winters and of good farming land that was given away by the government.

Then, in 1849, news came from California that gold has just been discovered there. People were rushing to get to the West, as the quickest ones would be the most rewarded. On the journey, they met many dangers. They were mostly crossing scorching deserts. They were often attacked by Native Americans who lived in the territories. They were threatened by snakes, wild buffalo and also serious diseases, and many of the settlers did not reach the West alive.

Everything has changed, when in 1870 a new railway has been completed and the Oregon Trail became a part of history.

Improve your vocabulary!

sweltering – skwarny
hardship – trudności, niedostatek
scorching – palący/skwarny
wild buffallo – dziki bizon/bawół
diseases – choroby

1. T, 2. F, 3. F, 4. T, 5. F.


Na podstawie przeczytanego tekstu wybierz odpowiedź zgodną z jego treścią. Zakreśl jedną z czterech możliwości: A, B, C lub D.

Alice would always go out to eat her lunch, even if it was raining, instead of going to the store canteen. You could never get a table to yourself there, and there was always someone waiting to complain about the shop, the customers, the management. Everyone seemed to have a complain of some kind, although it was one of the best stores in town you could work for, and many of the staff were long past their retiring age.

Alice herself was at the store for more than six years. She has started as a junior staff, breaking the tilt once a weak while trying to serve the customers quickly. Now she was the Head Sales person and moved calmly around the store between the shelves, knowing that here the customers liked to take their time, unlike people who hurried through other parts of the shop with never a moment to spare.

She knew every book in the place, and all about the new ones before they were published. She was said to be Mr Black’s right-hand person and was met by publishers representative’s in Mr Black’s office, when he was having doubts.
The book store, partly due to weak administration was the only shop where you didn’t have to wear black. This led to some confusion as to who was an assistant and who was a customer. People took the book they wanted and were afraid of having their elbows grasped by the store detective before they could find someone to pay for the book.

Alice was wearing her grey suit today. She liked her grey suit. She liked for a very ling time. The suit had been something they call a classic, which meant nobody would ever turn back in the street to look at it.
Alice liked her work, but she was always glad to get away from it at lunchtime, even if it meant queuing for a table at one of the restaurants that fed the local shop-employees.

Eve who was her junior was always meeting people at her lunch time, even if it was only a man who had picked up her handkerchief. Eve and her other junior, Helen were always giggling in the classics section. Alice thought that it should have made her feel very old, but it didn’t. She was so much happier now than when she was at the giggling age.

Improve your vocabulary!

retiring age – wiek emerytalny
calmly – spokojnie
handkerchief – chusteczka
story – opowiadanie, historia

Text is a part of:
A. a scientific article.
B. a news story.
C. a novel.
D. a science fiction story.
Odpowiedź B.


Spośród podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z jego treścią. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.

1. Alice preffered not to have lunch at work because she wanted to avoid
A. her collegues.
B. the canteen food.
C. the management.
D. the customers.

2. Alice was valuable to Mr Black because
A. publishers representatives liked her.
B. she knew which books would sell.
C. she had good relations with customers.
D. she had knowledge which he lacked.

3. Why did customers sometimes look uncomfortable in the book store?
A. It was unlike the other bookstores.
B. The assistants watched them closely.
C. They don’t know whom to pay.
D. There were no prices on the books.

4. Which word most acuretelly describes Alice’s grey suit?
A. Practical.
B. Fashionable.
C. Original.
D. Inexpensive.

5. What was the disadvantage for Alice of the places she went for lunch?
A. The type of food they served.
B. The fact that they were crowded.
C. The speed at which she had to eat.
D. The type of people who ate there.

6. How did Alice regard the junior members of the staff?
A. She found them annoying.
B. They made her feel old.
C. She found them amusing.
D. They made her feel important.

7. Customers in the book store
A. were never in a hurry.
B. were choosing the books quickly.
C. were always talking with the assistants.
D. were moving to differeent sections of the bookstore at one visit.

1. A, 2. D, 3. C, 4. A, 5. B, 6. D, 7. A.


Przeczytaj informacje z horoskopów, a następnie odpowiedz na pytania. Przyporządkuj każdemu pytaniu jedną literę (A-G).

Your fate and fortune

1. E, 2. F, 3. A, 4. C, 5. B, 6. D, 7. G