Rozumienie tekstu czytanego i rozpoznawanie struktur ­leksykalno-gramatycznych.


Dobierz brakujące zdania (A–F) tak, aby otrzymać spój­ny i logiczny tekst. W każdą lukę (1–4) wpisz li­te­rę, którą oznaczone jest brakujące zdanie. Dwa zda­nia zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do tekstu. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz
1 punkt.

I will never forget my first day at…

I will never forget my fist day at the holiday camp for blind people. I came there as a guide for disabled children and teenagers but except for knowledge and good will I did not have any experience needed. I just wanted to be helpful and at least once in my life spent some time not for myself but for the other people.
My big adventure started the very first day. (1) ……………..… I obviously came there with the vision of blind ­people absolutely not able to do anything on their own. It changed after a while, of course. The biggest problem I had this afternoon was to keep all the kids in one room as they could not spend a few minutes in one place without walking, fighting with each other and hiding from me.
(2)…………………………….The girl I was walking with appeared to be very intelligent and talkative. While we were having a very interesting chat about the places she has been in her life I noticed a funny thing. (3)……………………………… She looked as she was having a stroll with her best friend, talking confidently and telling her secrets.
Later that night when we came back, my tutor asked me if I liked my job and then said: never let prejudice to guide you and never let pity to make you do things. (4) ………………………….………… These are the words I still remember although some years have passed. They are very updated and keep helping me in many different life situations.

Improve your vocabulary!
blind – niewidomy
disabled – niepełnosprawny
strolling – spacerujący
elbow – łokieć

A. My next task was to guide one of the blind teenagers to the beach, as we were all having a barbecue there.
B. I will never forget my first day at this camp.
C. People will love you not only for your help but for your passion most of all.
D. My tutor took me to a small play room with a group of children who were reading, singing, laughing and strolling around the room without any help.
E. At the end I want home with the feeling of fulfillment.
F. The girl was holding my elbow gently and was walking with a great confidence not like somebody who needed help.

1. D, 2. A, 3. F, 4. C


Dobierz brakujące fragmenty zdań (A–G) tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. W każdą lukę (1–5) wpisz literę, którą oznaczone jest brakujące zdanie. Dwa zdania zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do tekstu.

Women in society

Throughout this century, the role of women in society has changed, and majority of people feel this change is for the better. In my opinion, there is still a great deal of sexual ­discrimination agains women within society, and the belief that sexual equality ……………………..…..(1)

To begin with, many women find it difficult to return to work after having a baby. There are rarely any provisions made for childcare in workplace and, in these cases, ……………………………….…(2) and expensive process to find somebody to look after the child when they are at work.

Secondly, the traditional views of the position of women within society are so deeply ingrained that they have not really changed. For instance, not only is the view that women should stay at home and look for their family still widely held, ……………………………………..(3) seen on televison programmes and avertisements.

Thirdly, since families need two incomes in order to enjoy a good standard of living, ……………………………………(4): one at home and one at the office. So, in fact, it can be claimed that women’s position has deteriorated rather than improved.

……………………………………..… (5), I would say that the position of women has improved only slightly. While rules and laws have changed, it is deep-rooted opinions of people which are taking longer time to evolve.

a) but it is reinforced through images
b) has been achieved is not accurate
c) but is not only shown and
d) women are forced to go through time-consuming
e) fourthly, it can be stated that
f) taking this points into consideration
g) a woman finds herself doing two jobs

1. b), 2. d), 3. a), 4. g), 5. f)



Uzupełnij każdy z poniższych tekstów, wpisując w wolne miejsca jeden wyraz utworzony od słowa podanego w nawiasie tak, aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna wpisywanych wyrazów. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.


I am a great fan of bread. Always when I smell freshly baked bread or even bread rolls, they remind me of the very first years of my …………………..… (1 – child). I spent them in a ………………………… (2 – peace) village, surrounded with meadows and forests. My grandfather owned a little ……………………….…. (3 – bake) then and I used to visit him every day in the morning. I remember him telling me that I should it bread at least twice a day as it will give me …………………….…. (4 – strong) what is very useful while being a little boy. Today we should not forget the ………………………. (5 – important) of eating plenty of bread. For example it contains almost all the proteins needed for children’s ………………………….… (6 – grow) and for adults to stay fit and well. We can get a ……………………..…… (7 – three) of our daily protein …………………………………..…. (8 – require) from just six slices of bread. …………………………..… (9 – addition), bread helps us to feel ……………………………… (10 – energy) because it contains iron as well as several essential vitamins.

(1) childhood, (2) peaceful, (3) bakery, (4) strength, (5) importance, (6) growth, (7) third, (8) requirement(s), (9) additionally, (10) energetic

A new supermarket for the town

During weekly meeting held in Kentucky last Friday evening a wide ……. (1 – vary) of opinions was expressed on plans concerning building a large supermarket in the town. People who gathered at the meeting consisted of two groups: ……. (2 – inhabit) of Kentucky and the supermarket group. The ………. (3 – manage) of the supermarket group stated that the supermarket would benefit the ………… (4 – custom) as it would not only give people more ………. (5 – choose) when shopping but it would also lead to a growth in the number of jobs ……. (6 – avail) in the town, which has a high rate of ……. (7 – employ). Although there was ……… (8 – agree) on the need for new jobs, some of the present claimed that the supermarket would lead to a ……. (9 – lose) of jobs as small will be force to close. The final …… (10 – decide) on whether or not to build the supermarket will be made next week.

(1) variety, (2) inhabitants, (3) manager, (4) customers, (5) choice, (6) available, (7) unemployment, (8) agreement, (9) loss, (10) decision.



Wykorzystując wyrazy podane wielkimi literami, uzupełnij każde z niedokończonych zdań tak, aby zachowane zostało znaczenie wypowiedzi wyjściowej. Nie zmieniaj podanych fragmentów zdań ani form wyrazów do wykorzystania. Wymagana jest pełna poprawność ortograficzna. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

1. My sister accused me of taking her doll. Took
“You ……………………………………you?” said my sister.

2. That’s the longest film I have ever seen! It lasted four hours! Long
I have ………………………………………… film before!

3. A nice taxi driver drove us into town. Driven
We ……………………………………….a nice taxi driver.

4. My boyfriend was determined to pay for my ticket. Insisted
My boyfriend …………………………………for my ticket.

5. The director failed to persuade him to take this job. Succeed
The director ……………………………him to take this job.

6. I’d rather you didn’t go to that party. Mind
Would ……………………………………… that party?

7. John impressed his workmates by organizing his workplace very quickly. Good
John…………………his workmates by organizing his workplace very quickly.

8. I saw Ann a year ago. Since
I have …………………………………….. year.

9. Jamie regrets lying to his mother. Wishes
Jamie ……………………………….. his mother the truth.

10. I found it difficult to follow your instructions. Trouble
I …………………………………………your instructions.

11. Dinner will be served immediately upon our arrival at the hotel. Soon
Dinner will be served ………………………… at the hotel.

12. It was such a sunny day that none of us wanted to do any work. Felt
None of us ………………… any work because it was such a sunny day.

13. She couldn’t sing or dance. Unable
Besides ………………………, she couldn’t dance either.

14. Are you familiar with his teaching style yet? Used
Have you ………………………… his teaching style yet?

15. Paul is the only person who has replied to the invitation. Nobody
Apart …………………………… replied to the invitation.


1. “You took my doll, didn’t you?”
2.  I have never seen such a long film before!
3. We were driven into town by a nice taxi driver.
4. My boyfriend insisted on paying for my ticket.
5. The director didn’t succeed in persuading him to take this job.
6. Would you mind not going to that party?
7. John made a good impression on his workmates by organizing his workplace very quickly.
8. I haven’t seen Ann since last year.
9. Jamie wishes he had told his mother the truth.
10. I had trouble (in) following your instructions.
11. Dinner will be served as soon as we arrive at the hotel.
12. None of us felt like doing any work because it was such a sunny day.
13. Besides of being unable to sing, she couldn’t dance either.
14. Have you got used to his teaching style yet?
15. Apart from Paul nobody has replied to the invitation.



Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie wybierz właściwe w podanym kontekście, poprawne pod względem gramatycznym i leksykalnym, uzupełnienia luk 1–16. Zaznacz jedną z podanych możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D.
Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.

A famous writer

Joanne Rowling became a famous writer almost overnight. She is the (1) ………… of a highly successful and recommended series of books for children and teenagers. Joanne Rowling has (2)………… of being a writer for as long as she can remember. In fact, she has been (3) ………… stories and characters since she was a little schoolgirl. When she was a teenager, her family (4) ………… to a town called Chepstow. Their neighbours who lived (5) ……… were called Potter and later she used their name for calling so the hero of her books. Joanne and her sister, Di, (6)……… a state school in Chepstow. At school she was hard-working and rather shy and reserved. She was particularly good (7) ……… English and languages and her talent for telling stories made her a popular person in the school. During breaks between (8) ………… she spent time surrounded by a (9) ………… of friends, waiting to hear the (10) ……… story she had written. What was funny, she often included her (11)……… in the stories, and of course they were not aware of this. After leaving school Joanne succeeded in getting a (12) ……… at university. She finally got a (13) ……… in French. After graduating Joanne worked as a (14)………… in a school in Portugal. She married a journalist, but, unfortunately the couple (15) ………… and so she moved to Edinburgh. She had no income and was having leading a very poor life but one day a publisher said “yes” and that is how she turned (16) …………… a new leaf!

1. A. novelist B. composer C. author D. artist
2. A. intended B. wanted C. liked D. dreamt
3. A. doing up B. taking up C. putting up D. making up
4. A. removed B. moved C. migrated D. transferred
5. A. next B. near C. across D. nearby
6. A. attended B. went C. frequent D. studied
7. A. in B. at C. for D. on
8. A. lectures B. sessions C. tutorials D. lessons
9. A. crowd B. row C. queue D. procession
10. A. last B. recent C. latest D. ultimate
11. A. fellows B. colleagues C. pupils D. classmates
12. A. place B. room C. seat D. space
13. A. certificate B. diploma C. degree D. licence
14. A. professor B. lecturer C. trainer D. teacher
15. A. broke down B. broke out C. broke up D. broke into
16. A. over B. up C. into D. out

1. C, 2. D, 3. D, 4. B, 5. D, 6. A, 7. B, 8. D, 9. A, 10. C, 11. D, 2. A, 13. C, 14. C, 15. C, 16. A