Zadanie maturalne

Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy tekst, a następnie przyporządkuj jego częściom tytuły oznaczone (A–G). Jeden z tytułów nie pasuje do żadnej części tekstu. Wpisz odpowiednie litery w kratki (1.1 – 1.6). Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

1.1. It is incredible how a person’s life can change and how many different roles one might end up playing over the years. You can never be quite sure what tomorrow will bring, the only thing you can be sure of is that it will be nothing like what you imagined. Would you be able to leave everything behind?
Would you have done anything differently given the choice?

1.2. Hari Kunzru seems to make perfect use of all the oportunities offered by these ever-nagging questions. He explores our hopes and dreams of the future, our sense of identity, insecurity – and finally increases our fear of the unknown.

1.3. In The Impressionist Hari Kunzru takes us on a journey with the main character – Pran Nath, a half-English, half-Indian boy. And I am not only thinking in geographical terms, although the book does explore such diverse places as Bombay, London, Paris and West Africa. The point is that every setting seems to bring with it a new role for Pran Nath to play.

1.4. A story of someone’s life always gives a writer a good opportunity to impress. And that is exactly the effect Kunzru’s prose has on the reader. Kunzru not only draws an exceptional portrait of his main character, but at the same time shows us how much of an influence certain stereotypes have on our lives.

1.5. And he does it in style. The story keeps us in its grip from beginning to end, swinging from sarcasm through irony and comedy right down to harsh naturalism. But it is always witty. Even though there is a feeling of certain plot schemes being employed and one does not really get the chance to associate with the main character, it all seems to fit in the end.

1.6. All this from debutant novelist Hari Kunzru, who has been up to now best known as a travel writer and magazine contributor. Being half-Indian, half-English himself he knows what he is writing about. And hopefully he will continue to surprise us even more.

A. Geographical nad mental journey
B. Exploring the ever-lasting problems
C. Impressing the reader
D. The world journey
E. Formerly a journalist, now a novelist
F. Today and tomorrow
G. Mastery of the writer

1.1. – F; 1.2. B; 1.3. – A; 1.4. – C; 1.5. – G; 1.6. – E