Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji

Chcesz wziąć udział w maratonie. Dowiedz się:

  • Ile trwa maraton,
  • Co trzeba ze sobą zabrać,
  • Czy przewidziane są jakieś nagrody.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator

E: How can I help you?
S: I would like to take part in the marathon that is going to take place on Saturday. I wonder how long it is going to take.
E: We expect it to last around 5 hours.
S: What should I take with me?
E: Just good shoes. We provide t-shirts and water during the marathon.
S: What is the prize to win?
E: Well, you can win a trip or sport wear, but generally the money from the marathon’s entrance fee is for disabled children.
S: And how much is that?
E: Only 5 pounds.



Opowiedz o grze, w jakiej ostatnio wziąłeś udział:

  • Powiedz, co to była za gra,
  • Jakie były jej reguły,
  • Jakie było twoje wrażenie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający

S: I have taken part in a fantastic game recently. It is called paintball. Have you heard of it?
E: A little. What are the rules?
S: There are two teams. Generally the rule is to shoot out all the members of the second team. Sounds horrible but instead of real guns you have special rifles which shoot colourful paints. The winning team goal is to shoot out all the opponents.
E: Did you like the game?
S: It was interesting. We were hiding in a forest and it was difficult to find the opponents because we all were wearing military clothes matching the trees and ground. And it is a strange feeling when you get shot and you can’t play anymore. But I liked it.



Spędzasz wakacje u angielskiej rodziny, chcesz wybrać się z kolegami na obóz żeglarski.

  • Przekonaj swoich gospodarzy, że jest to bezpieczne,
  • Powiedz, co zamierzacie robić,
  • Obiecaj, że będziecie w kontakcie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go on that trip.
S: But it is a great opportunity. My friends will teach me how to sail and I have always dreamt about sailing!
E: I am not sure if it is safe.
S: It is totally safe! My friend’s parents, who are experienced sailors, will support us. Beside I can swim very well and we will wear safety jackets.
E: I’m not sure.
S: Don’t worry; I have seen the weather forecast. It is going to be a beautiful weekend. And I will have my mobile so we can stay in touch at all times.