This is one of the most popular psychologic tests. If you want to know the truth about yourself, answer the four questions below in the given order. Remember that your answers have to be honest. Don’t look at the answers. Don’t cheat. Use a piece of paper to write your answers.

Before beginning the test MAKE A WISH. Now go down slowly and do each task without looking ahead!

1. Put the following animals in any order you like.

2. Write one word that describes each of the following things the best, for example: TABLE – big.

3. Choose each colour for a person you know. Don’t think too much just write down the first name that comes into your head.

3. Choose each colour for a person you know. Don’t think too much just write down the first name that comes into your head.

4. Now write down your favourite number and your favourite day of the week.



1. The animals say what is the most important in your life.

COW – career
TIGER – pride
SHEEP – love
HORSE – family
PIG – money

2. Words you chose are description of:

DOG – your own personality;
CAT – the personality of your partner;
RAT – the personality of your enemy;
COFFEE – your love life;
SEA – your own life in general.

3. Colours tells you what you feel about people you know:

yellow – you know this person will never forget you;
orange – you feel this person is your best friend;
red – you really love this person;
white – this is your soul mate;
green – you will remember this person for the rest of your life.

4. The number that you choose is the number of people you have to show the test to if you want your wish to come true. And if it does, it will happen on your favourite day.