
1. How often do you call your boyfriend or girlfriend?
a) At least once a day – to tell him/her, I miss him/her.
b) Twice a week, to check if everything is OK and set a date.
c) Only when it is really necessary.

2. You are going to cinema with your boyfriend or girlfriend. Which film are you going to choose?
a) A love story because I love them.
b) A film with special effects because she loves them.
c) An original film – to impress him or her.

3. What do you do with text messages from your boyfriend or girlfriend?
a) I write them down in a special diary.
b) I delete them.
c) I have them in the phone memory.

4. You don’t get on well with your parents and you have a serious argument. You call your boyfriend or girlfriend and tell him or her about it. She or he:
a) Tells you shouldn’t exaggerate.
b) Comes to comfort you.
c) Tells you everything is going to be fine and yawns.

5. How long have you been going out together?
a) For years and it is too long.
b) I can tell exactly the number of days.
c) I am not sure if we are together.

6. Imagine that he or she said you should get married as soon as possible. Would you:
a) Laugh and try to forget what he or she said?
b) Be the happiest person in the world?
c) Think it over hundreds of times?

7. Imagine that you split up…
a) It’s impossible – we will always be together.
b) It would be a complete disaster – I think I would break down completely.
c) Well, probably we will – relationships don’t last very long now­adays – do they?

8. You have two tickets to a theatre. You always dreamt to see this play. Your boyfriend or girlfriend isn’t feeling very well – probably it’s flue.
a) He/she tells you not to go – you should stay with him/her.
b) He/she tells you to go with a friend. You see the play and you’re very happy.
c) He/she tells you to go with a friend, but you don’t go – you know he/she would be very unhappy.

Now count your points:

It is not love: you are living on two different islands. You might meet sometimes in a café, but there is nothing between you. In a year you won’t even recognize his/her face.

Is this love? Rather hatred or slavery. You would do everything to escape.

It might be love, but it is closer to friendship. If you want it to be something more, you must take decisions. But be careful not to lose what you have.

It is love and take care of it! It might be a long-term relationship! And it’s very, very romantic.

Improve your vocabulary!

argument – kłótnia
break down – załamać się
diary – pamiętnik
friendship – przyjaźń
get married – wziąć ślub
get on well with sb – mieć z kimś dobre stosunki
go out together – chodzić ze sobą
hatred – nienawiść
impress – zrobić wrażenie
long-term relationship – długotrwały związek
miss – tęsknić
slavery – niewolnictwo
split up – rozstać się
yawn – ziewać