Ania, 19
When the weekend starts I always get dressed pretty early. I quickly get dressed and go riding! On Saturdays I try to spend the whole day in the stable. I start with cleaning up my favourite horse, Lucky. Then I put the saddle on it, get on and start riding. Even when the hours are pas­sing by I do not get off and carry on as long as I notice that Lucky is tired. Then we get back to the stable and I clean him. I have been hooked on horses since I remember and I have never got sick of them!

get up – wstawać
get dressed – ubrać się
clean up – wyczyścić
put on – założyć na
get on – wsiąść
passing by – mijać
get off – zsiąść
carry on – kontynuować
get back – wracać
to be hooked on – mieć fioła na punkcie czegoś
get sick of sth – mieć czegoś dość

Magda, 18
I am a very sociable person and I usually spend ­weekends out hanging around with my friends. We often call up the meeting on Friday and fix up the meeting on Saturday afternoon. When we get together we sometimes pop into a restaurant because we like eating out. Then we keep on talking in a café or a pub but we usually end up at one of my friend’s flats. Once in a while I get with my boyfriend – we have been going out for two months already!

hanging around – spędzać czas
call up – zdzwaniać się
fix up – umówić się
get together – spotkać się
pop into – wpaść gdzieś
eating out – jeść na mieście
keep on – kontynuować
end up – kończyć
get with – spotkać się
going out – chodzić z kimś

Tomek, 19
When Saturday comes up I wake up early as I spend the morning in my father’s garage. I’m fond of mechanics and I am crazy about cars so I rush into my old man’s garage and have a great time! I usually look at what my father is doing but I sometimes come up with some solutions about the engines or I make up an idea about quick fixing here or there. Every Saturday I end up with my clothes worn out but I am happy!

comes up – nadchodzić, pojawiać się
wake up – obudzić się
to be fond of – lubić coś
to be crazy about – mieć fioła na punkcie czegoś
rush into – wbiec
look at – przyglądać się
come up with – wymyślić coś
make up – wymyślić
worn out – zużyte

Darek, 17
Weekend is a charity time for me. I pick up my volunteer uniform and hurry up for the meeting in one of the churches. We start up around 10 am, standing in front of the church and we give away food and clothes to poor and homeless. I have a sit-down break every hour for 10 minutes and I warm myself up with a cup of tea. In the afternoon I drop into my friend’s house and break down as I am very sorry for all these poor people.

pick up – chwycić, złapać
hurry up – spieszyć się
start up – zacząć coś robić
give away – rozdawać
sit-down – usiąść
warm up – rozgrzać się
drop into – wpaść gdzieś
break down – załamać się

Aga, 18
Every weekend is a shopping weekend! We meet up in front of the shopping mall and get into paradise! We are mad about strolling around the shops and checking up what’s new. We often stay in our favourite one and spend hours on trying on clothes looking for discounts. When we are tired we decide to look after ourselves and put our feet up in one of the cafes. We come to an end staring at people and chitchatting.

meet up – spotkać się
get into – dostać się do
to be mad about – szaleć na punkcie czegoś
strolling around – spacerować dookoła
checking up – sprawdzać
stay in… – zostać w…
trying on – przymierzać
looking for – szukać
look after – opiekować się
put our feet up – odpocząć
come to an end – skończyć
staring at… – gapiąc się na…
chitchatting – gawędząc