Lubisz zjazdy rodzinne? Jak spędzasz czas z przyjaciółmi? Jak wygląda Twój dzień? Czujesz między Tobą a rodzicami pokoleniowe różnice? I najważniejsze – czy umiesz pogadać o tym po angielsku?

I really love all my family and relatives. I don’t meet them too often, but we always have family reunions at Christmas and Easter. I always get lots of presents from my grandparents (my mum’s parents are quite wealthy). I’ve also got many cousins and we always have fun. My favourite person is my first cousin – my mum’s sister’s daughter – Tola. She’s in my age and we understand each other perfectly. She’s a really great laugh and a fantastic friend.
Unfortunately, we meet rarely as she lives almost 500 kilometres away.

family – rodzina
relatives – krewni
a reunion – zjazd (spotkanie)
grandparents – dziadkowie
a cousin – kuzyn/kuzynka
a first cousin – brat cioteczy/siostra cioteczna (najbliższy kuzyn)

My family is not very big. My parents are both the only–children. The person I like the most is my uncle – my father’s cousin. His wife, my aunt, is OK, as well, but he’s the greatest person in the word! He’s got a great sense of humour and he didn’t tell my parents when he caught me smoking! Of course I had to promise I would never do it again. Anyway, we can talk for hours even though my baby sister disturbs us a lot. She loves him as well.

the only-child – jedynak/jedynaczka
an uncle – wójek
an aunt – ciocia
to catch somebody – złapać kogoś
a baby sister/brother – młodsza siostra/brat

I don’t like family reunions. My brother is older than me and he’s already got a huge family. My two nephews and two nieces are so annoying! My parents always talk with their older son and his wife, and me? I am attacked by the small devils! Luckily, my brother lives with his mother-in-law. The only person in the family I really like is my brother-in-law. I’ve known him for five years. He used to be my sister’s boyfriend and now he is her husband. He likes the same computer games that I like so during family dinners he saves my life!

a nephew – bratanek/siostrzeniec
a niece – bratanica/siostrzenica
a mother-in-law – teściowa
a brother-in-law – szwagier
a wife – żona
a husband – mąż

When I was a baby, my mum had to go back to work. I didn’t go to nursery because my grandparents took care of me. My grandma is a wonderful person. She taught me many things, and she’s always been there for me. My granddad was also fantastic. I loved him very much. Unfortunately, he died last year. I miss our walks in the park and talking about the universe. My granddad was very cheerful and friendly. He loved all his six grandchildren, but I was definitely his favourite one.

a gradma – babcia
a granddad – dziadek
grandchildren – wnuki

When I was in primary school, and before, I hated my sister! Now she’s my favourite person in my family. We like the same music, we both love mountains and we share the same friends! The age gap is not a problem! I’m two years younger. To be honest, she’s the only person in the world who knows everything about me. If I have any problems or just feel like talking, I go to her room and we talk for hours. It’s really difficult to believe that as children we were fighting, beating and biting each other all the time!

a sister – siostra
an age gap – różnica wieku
younger than – młodsza niż
to feel like – mieć ochotę

I know many people but I must admit that my best friends are my mum and dad. I’ve always been got on well with my parents. They are very understanding. Of course, I don’t tell them everything but in most cases I can really rely on them. They trust me and even though we sometimes argue, we can apologise. I spend lots of time with them. At least twice a year we go away together to the mountains or at the seaside. It’s different than with my friends but still fun.

a nephew – bratanek/siostrzeniec
a niece – bratanica/siostrzenica
a mother-in-law – teściowa
a brother-in-law – szwagier
a wife – żona
a husband – mąż

When I was a baby, my mum had to go back to work. I didn’t go to nursery because my grandparents took care of me. My grandma is a wonderful person. She taught me many things, and she’s always been there for me. My granddad was also fantastic. I loved him very much. Unfortunately, he died last year. I miss our walks in the park and talking about the universe. My granddad was very cheerful and friendly. He loved all his six grandchildren, but I was definitely his favourite one.

a gradma – babcia
a granddad – dziadek
grandchildren – wnuki

When I was in primary school, and before, I hated my sister! Now she’s my favourite person in my family. We like the same music, we both love mountains and we share the same friends! The age gap is not a problem! I’m two years younger. To be honest, she’s the only person in the world who knows everything about me. If I have any problems or just feel like talking, I go to her room and we talk for hours. It’s really difficult to believe that as children we were fighting, beating and biting each other all the time!

a sister – siostra
an age gap – różnica wieku
younger than – młodsza niż
to feel like – mieć ochotę

I know many people but I must admit that my best friends are my mum and dad. I’ve always been got on well with my parents. They are very understanding. Of course, I don’t tell them everything but in most cases I can really rely on them. They trust me and even though we sometimes argue, we can apologise. I spend lots of time with them. At least twice a year we go away together to the mountains or at the seaside. It’s different than with my friends but still fun.

to admit – przyznać
to get on well – być w dobrych stosunkach
to rely on… – polegać na…
mother/mum/mummy – matka/mama/mamusia
father/dad/daddy – ojciec/tata/tatuś