Temat: podróżowanie i turystyka

Zadanie maturalne

Przeczytaj uważnie powyższy artykuł, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Zdania te wraz z jednym, dodatkowym zdaniem, które nie pasuje do żadnej luki, oznaczono literami A-F. Dobierz zdania tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. W każde puste miejsce wstaw literę odpowiadającą wybranemu zdaniu.


I’ve hitchhiked all over the world!

Although hitchhiking seems to have lost some popularity in recent years, sometimes this is the only means of transportation allowing the low-budget travellers to visit the whole world. (1)……………………………………………… We have hurried to meet him at the JFK airport and ask him a few questions concerning his huge adventure.

Interviewer: Are you exhausted? It must have been a tough experience…
IS: It was primarily adventure for me and opport unity of challenging myself. I haven’t considered my trip as an exertion so far… well, welcome home (laugh).
I: How did the idea of solitary journey come into your mind?
IS: I have always been fascinated by Stephan Schlei and Devon Smith. These are two men listed in The Guinness Book of Records – Stephan Schlei for the most cumulative miles hitchhiked (for 20 years he thumbed over 450,000 km) and the latter for hitching over 1.000,000 km! They are heroes for me. Have you known that in the Schlei`s home town, Ratingen, Germany, there is the statue in the middle of the marketplace, displaying three boys waving their hands and thumbs in all directions? (2)………………………………
I: What was the most difficult during your journey?
IS: I had heard many warnings before I set off, you know, the kind of texts that while hitching you will probably be murdered, raped or anything. I must say now, on my return, that in my case the level of danger was grossy overestimated. It took me some time to learn how to behave safely but not let worries spoil my huge adventure…
I: What do you mean by ”safe hitchhiking”?
IS: It is essential to prepare well before you set off. (3) ………………………………….. For instance, I had no idea that in Nevada, US, hitchhiking is forbidden. I had an encounter with a policeman there and I could have avoided it if I had prepared myself better. By the way, you are not allowed to thumb on any interstate highways in the US. You should also buy a map and learn what the right gestures in the country you visit are. (4) …………………………. It surprised me. And the most important tip in my opinion – if you have any doubts, turn down the lift. I believe my intuition though. (5)…………………………….. Perhaps I was just lucky.
I: Thank you for the interview. Have a wonderful time at home!


  • A. For example in South America you should show to the driver the back of your hand with an index finger pointing up.
  • B. First of all, you should know as much as possible about the law in the region you are going to visit.
  • C. Then you should avoid carrying personal belongings with you.
  • D. It`s like the symbol of all hitchhikers, I suppose! (laugh)
  • E. I am aware it may not be enough.
  • F. One of them is Ian Stewardssen, American who has just completed his over-a-year journey.


Rozwiązanie i omówienie

1) – F. Kluczem jest tu zwrot „one of them” (jeden z nich – czyli z podróżników, którzy nie mają wiele pieniędzy). Dodatkowo w kolejnym zdaniu jest słowo „him” (jego), czyli właśnie Iana.

2) – D. Tu pomaga „it’s like the symbol” – to „it” odnosi się do pomnika, o którym mowa w poprzednim zdaniu.

3) – B. Kluczem jest zwrot „first of all” (po pierwsze), który sugeruje, że będziemy coś wyliczać. Dodatkowo zdanie dotyczy bezpieczeństwa i jest radą.

4) – A. Poprzednie zdanie mówi o gestach, jakich należy używać, podróżując autostopem. W tym zdaniu jest przykład takiego gestu. Na dodatek w kolejnym zdaniu jest komentarz, że opisywany zwyczaj zdziwił autora.

5) – E. Tu pomaga zaimek „it” (jestem świadom, że „to” może nie wystarczyć – to, czyli opisywana w poprzednim zdaniu intuicja).

Nie pasuje zdanie C, które zawiera poradę. Rady występują tylko w ostatnim akapicie, a w żadnej luce w tym akapicie nie pasuje zdanie zaczynające się od „zatem” (zatem co?).