Zapoznaj się z opisem trzech sytuacji. Twoim zadaniem będzie odegranie wskazanych ról.

Uzyskiwanie informacji

Idziesz do apteki, planując kupić kilka leków bez recepty, ponieważ jesteś przeziębiony.

  • Poproś aptekarza, żeby Ci doradził.
  • Opisz objawy przeziębienia.
  • Opowiedz o Twoich domowych sposobach leczenia.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Hallo. How can I help you?
S: Hallo. I have got cold and so I would like to buy some medicines which I do not need prescriptions for. Do you think you could help me?
E: Certainly, sir. But first of all could you describe me the symptoms, please?
S: Of course. I have a headache and a little temperature in the evening. I also have a running nose and a sore throat. I sweat a lot and I have problems with concentration. Today I started coughing a bit too.
E: What do you usually take in such situation?
S: I take vitamin C and gripex and I also drink some hot milk with honey and garlic.
E: That’s sensible. I will give a cough syrup as well, some aspirin for your temperature and a vitamin C. Keep warm!
S: Thank you. Bye!


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiedz koledze o wyjeździe do Turcji.

  • Wyjaśnij, czemu wyjazd był nieudany – cały czas miałeś małe zatrucie pokarmowe.
  • Twój kolega napił się wody i wymiotował.
  • Opowiedz o innych przypadkach chorób.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: So how was your trip to Turkey?
S: It was a real disaster! All of us got sick the very first day out of the blue. Our guide forgot to tell us not to drink tap water and not to eat fruit and vegetables straight from the market. My friend, who drunk some tap water, started vomiting. One girl bought some fruit and got a horrible stomachache. In the evening half of the trip went to bed sick but we could not sleep because some of us had diarrhoea and the rest kept vomiting. Some of us had temperature and headaches, and several people got ugly rash all over their bodies. When our guide called finally the doctor we were all lying in beds and dreaming of falling asleep. The doctor claimed food and water poisoning. He gave us some medicines and mineral boiled water and some charcoal to stop diarrhoea. We stayed under medical control till the end of the trip.



Twój przyjaciel skręcił kostkę.

  • Spróbuj mu pomóc.
  • Doradź mu, co można zrobić.
  • Zasugeruj rozwiązanie.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: I think I have just broken my leg.
S: Can you move it?
E: Not really.
S: Try to stay calm. Does it hurt when I touch it here?
E: A bit.
S: I can see it is getting swollen, but if it doesn’t hurt much maybe then you have just twisted it.
E: I am going to call a doctor.
S: Okey, but first I will try look at it and touch it here and there delicately just to check. I am sure you have twisted it, it is not that bad. If I were you, I would try to immobilize it a bit so then the pain would be smaller.
E: You’d better do not touch it before the doctor comes.
S: But you can’t lie like that. Let’s try to immobilize the ankle. I will bring some elastic bandage and try to bandage your feet and ankle as to keep it stable. Look I will put your leg between these two small wooden parts and then bandage your leg. If I were you, I would do it. It will help your leg. And then we will call the doctor. Is it better a bit now?
E: Yes, thank you.