Człowiek, istota ludzka = human being

Teenagers’ hobbies

A hobby is a thing you love doing. You think about it most of the time and you can’t wait for the moment when you will be able to spend time doing your favourite thing. What are the most popular hobbies amongst teenagers?

First of all – music. We love singing, dancing or listening to our favourite rhythms. Young people like going to the discotheques but they can also enjoy music on the Internet, or by using their mobile phones, or MP4 players.

Secondly – spending time with friends. Nowadays computers and Internet are very popular so teenagers spend hours in the chat rooms, surfing the Internet or just playing computer games with their friends. Leave your computer and meet your friends in person, go for a walk! Luckily, many young people love sports.

Finally – more “sophisticated” hobbies. Collecting – you can collect anything you want: postcards, stones from all over the world, coins. Photography – taking photos everywhere you go, making albums and showing them to friends whenever they visit you. Painting or drawing – for this one you need talent. Languages – more and more teenagers learn different languages. Finally, reading books – boring? No way! Books are still very popular!

What is your hobby?

I can’t wait… – Nie mogę się doczekać…
to be able to – móc, być w stanie
amongst – wśród, między
favourite rhythms – ulubione rytmy
exploring – odkrywanie
connected with electronic devices – powiązane ze sprzętem elektronicznym
in person – osobiście
sophisticated – wyszukany
to take photos – robić zdjęcia
you need talent – musisz mieć talent


Books that every teenager should read!

There are books that contain truths about the world. You don’t have to know them by heart but it’s enough if you read them at least once.

“The Little Prince”
The most famous piece by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was published in 1943. All the drawings that appear in the book are by Saint-Exupéry.
The book is about life and human nature. The main character (Saint-Exupéry) meets a boy, the Little Prince, and they talk… about simple truths (prawdy) and rules that people forget (zapominają) when they grow older (dorastają).

“The Hobbit, or Thereand Back Again”
It’s a novel by J.R.R. Tolkien. We all know “The Lord of the Rings” and Bilbo Baggins, the uncle of Frodo. “The Hobbit” is about Bilbo who travels far away to get the treasure (skarb). The journey changes him. He becomes a mature (dojrzały) and wise (mądry) hobbit. The novel is about greed (zachłanność) and desire (rządza) for beautiful objects. And everything happens in a fantasy world, full of dangers as well as wonders.

Poetry by Jan Twardowski
Jan Twardowski, a Catholic priest, died in January 2006. He was a Polish poet loved by adults and children. His beautiful poems are short, simple, humorous (zabawne) and appropriate (odpowiednie) for everyone! They tell stories about God and people. They make you think or make you smile. It’s no surprise (nie zaskakuje) that the priest Twardowski got many awards (nagrody) and medals.

Greek Mythology
Greek mythology has had a great influence (wpływ) on the culture, the arts and the literature of Western civilization. People are trying to find out how life in Ancient Greece looked. Paintings, building and mythology can help.
Greek mythology is a book containing (zawierająca) stories about Greek gods and heroes (bohatero-
wie). These are interesting stories with morals (z morałem). You feel as if you were reading a fairytale (bajka)!

“The Alchemist”
The book by Paulo Cohelo was first published in Brazil in 1988 and became (stała się) a bestseller. It has been translated (przetłumaczona) in 56 languages! It’s a novel about Santiago, a boy who has a dream and the courage (odwagę) to follow (podąrzać za) it. The book is full of Medieval (średniowieczny) mysticism, symbols and signs. This interesting book teaches you how to discover yourself (odkryć siebie).

“Animal Farm”
George Orwell’s books are known and admired (podziwiane) all over the world. “Animal Farm” is one of his books. It’s the story of a farm where animals rule. Some of them become important and the others are just normal… animals. They cope (radzą sobie) with the problems of a human society (ludzkie społeczeństwo). It is a satirical allegory of Soviet totalitarianism.
The book is interesting and it can really help you to remember how the political system worked.


How much is the ticket? – Ile kosztuje billet?
One student ticket, please. – Poproszę jeden billet ucznowski/studencki.
What’s on tonight? – Co grają dzisiaj? (kino, teatr, muzeum, galeria, telewizja)
I want to go to the cinema/the theatre. – Chcę iść do kina/teatru.
What books do you read? – Jakie książki czytasz?
I like science-fiction books/films. – Lubię książki/filmy sciene-fiction.
Do you watch chat-shows/series/the news? – Czy oglądasz talk-show/seriale/wiadomości?
What’s your favourite channel? – Jaki jest twój ulubiony kanał telewizyjny?
You can see interesting paintings/sculptures in this gallery. – Możesz zobaczyć interesujące obrazy/rzeźby
w tej galerii.
I like plays based on Shakespeare’s dramas. – Lubię sztuki na podstawie dramatów Szekspira.
I buy this magazine every two weeks/fortnight. – Kupuję ten magazyn co dwa tygodnie.
When was this film made? – Kiedy ten film został zrobiony?
When was this book written? – Kiedy ta książka została napisana?