Read a story

The great excitement ­arose among the people in my ­school when somebody had hung a note with “To whom it may concern” written on it. It was a leaflet left by our Physical Education coach. It was inviting all the volunteers to join Adventure Camp during the winter holiday. What was important, I felt like going there! I was ready to pack up and go! When I met the P.E. teacher I had all the questions ready.

“How would my day look like on the camp, sir?” – I started the conversation.
“Well, Tom if you were in my group, you would have to wake up early. Let’s say 5.30. Then you would have to walk up few kilometres to the beach, carrying sleeping bags, tents and food for one day with you. You would have to ski all afternoon. Snowboard in the evening and cook yourself the dinner. You wouldn’t be allowed to take CD players or anything like that. Next morning you would have to make yourself a breakfast and after that swim back to the camp in an inflatable canoe”.
“Where should I take the canoe from? Is it the necessary equipment I should take with me on the camp or is it provided by the organisers? – I continued.

“Most of the equipment is supplied by the camp sponsors. If you decide to go, I’ll get the list with things you have to take individually. There is also a separate list for clothing you should take”.
I had one more question to ask “Are there any special rules to follow on the camp, sir?”

“There are some special rules to obey for outdoor activities. You always must wear walking shoes and warm anorak and sun cream on your face in the sun. Take a hat and gloves and a scarf for evening and rucksack for a trip or a walk. Never take mobiles or money for the exercises and if you need take a camera or sunglasses”.

I decided to have a look at the list of equipment for my group. There was nothing I wasn’t familiar with. ­Climbing ropes, canoeing, Nordic ­walking, skiing, snowboarding, ­sledging, swimming, putting up a tent, starting a fire, running all the things I really enjoyed were there.

Some of the other groups’ activities also seemed interesting. For example first aid classes that finished with certificated exam.
I thought how much I craved for snowboarding. I imagined myself wearing my brand new board and goggles and going down a slope at some unreasonable speed. I almost felt the scent of my old gloves and couldn’t stop thinking of going to that camp. I dreamed of swimming in an olympic size swimming pool with my flippers on forgetting the useless snorkel. I was not too good at rowing but it was just something I’ve always had to improve.

Unfortunately, there were some more important things to improve like my Maths marks. That’s why my parents quickly decided for me not to go to the camp. So I had to say goodbye to skating and preparing to take part in triathlon. Maybe next year I will remember about doing the first things first!

Improve your vocabulary!

arise (arose, arisen) – wyłaniać się, powstawać, pojawiać się
sleeping bag – śpiwór
tent – namiot
inflatable canoe – nadmuchiwany kajak
anorak – skafander, bluza z kapturem
scarf – szalik
rucksack – plecak
equipment – wyposażenie, sprzęt
ropes – liny
sledging – saneczkarstwo
putting up a tent – rozbijać namiot
scent – zapach, woń
rowing – wioślarstwo