1. Which are your favourite combinations of colours?
a) Black and white, brown and black.
b) Brown and blue, pink and red.
c) Beige and brown.

2. What do the walls in your room look like?
a) There are photos, your own paintings or you painted the walls in different colours.
b) They are white.
c) They are painted one colour or you have wallpaper.

3. Choose your favourite ending to the story: The prince finally married the poor girl…
a) and they lived happily ever after.
b) but she was so poor that he changed his mind soon and wanted divorce.
c) and the girl took all his money and left with his younger brother.

4. What is haiku?
a) A kind of pasta.
b) Chinese theatre.
c) Japanese poem.

5. How many poetry books have you bought for pleasure in your life?
a) None.
b) One or two.
c) More than two.

6. Which painting techniques do you like?
a) I like painting but I use only one type of paints.
b) I hate painting.
c) I use many different techniques.

7. Circle each of the things you have done:
a) earrings
b) necklace
c) knitted sweater
d) knitted scarf or cap or gloves
e) a picture frame
f) a nicely decorated box
g) a cover for your secret diary
h) clothes (skirt, dress etc.)
i) a postcard
j) photos
k) a drawing in pencil
l) embroidery
m) pottery
n) painting on glass
o) dancing classes
p) theatre classes

8. When you read books…

a) you skip all descriptions because they are boring – you read for action only.
b) you like descriptions of people but you dislike descriptions of nature.
c) you enjoy good descriptions of people and nature.

9. How often do you go to galleries?
a) Always when there is something interesting.
b) Only with school.
c) I would like to but I never have time.

10. Circle all artists whose one painting at least you can describe in detail and say its title.
a) Picasso. b) Renoir.
c) Matisse. d) Hopper.
e) Schiele.

11. Now close your eyes and rememeber your first date. What can you rememeber? Circle all details you can remember.
a) What you wore.
b) What your partner wore.
c) The music.
d) The colours around you.
e) The smell.

12. Would you like to be an artist?
a) Yes, it is the only thing I want to do.
b) If it was paid better.
c) Never!

Improve your vocabulary!

knitted – robiony na drutach
embroidery – haft
pottery – garncarstwo, ceramika
gallery – galeria
deer – sarna, jeleń
exhibition – wystawa
amateur – amator

0–10 – You can’t understand how people can spend money on paintings or enjoy poetry. You’d spend it all on Big Macs and beer!
11–20 – You like art. Especially you favourite painting with a deer in the forest.
21–30 – You like art, especially these Christmas decorations in your flat. But let other people do it!
31–40 – You love art but even if you try, you are not very good at it. You’d be a good patron if you had money.
41–50 – You are a real artist. Don’t think about a different career!
51–63 – This test was not for artists. You shouldn’t have done it. Can’t you simply enjoy your exhibitions and leave the test for amateurs?

Did you know that…
“Dracula” is the most popular film cha­racter. There are over 160 Dracula films!

Now count your points