To find out whether you have a healthy lifestyle, solve our quiz. Be frank!

1. What do you have for breakfast?
a) Nothing, I never eat breakfast because I don’t have time. Sometimes I eat crisps or cookies on the bus.
b) Coffee or tea.
c) I always have a big breakfast: eggs, cheese, bread, ham etc.
d) Yoghurt and musli with some fruit.

2. Do you practice any sport?
a) I hate sport.
b) Only at school at PE lessons.
c) Yes, I practice a sport – I simply love it!
d) I love sports and I practice at least two different sports. I also exercise at home and go to the gym.

3. Do you eat a lot of sweets?
a) I eat lots of them – why not?
b) I eat a lot of chocolate.
c) I eat some sweets – dried fruit and sometimes some dark chocolate.
d) I don’t eat sweets because they are fattening and bad for your teeth.

4. How do you relax?
a) I watch TV.
b) I sleep or simply lie down and do nothing.
c) I meet with friends or go for a walk.
d) I attend yoga classes or practice meditation.

5. What is your favourite snack?
a) Crisps.
b) Ice-cream.
c) Salted nuts.
d) Sunflower seeds.

6. What is your favourite kind of bread?
a) White rolls.
b) White bread.
c) Dark bread, bread with seeds etc., some­times white bread too.
d) Dry bread (e.g. Wasa), fitness bread with lower level of callories.

7. What do you think about alternative medicine?
a) What is it?
b) I think it is stupid.
c) I have never used it but it is interesting.
d) I have tried some alternative methods and they worked perfectly.

8. How much do you sleep?
a) I go to bed very late – about two o’clock and I wake up at six.
b) I sleep even twelve hours everyday.
c) Six or seven hours.
d) Always the same number of hours – I have a set sleeping routine.

9. What is your favourite drink?
a) Cola.
b) Strong tea.
c) Juice.
d) Water.

10. How many times a year are you ill?
a) More than five.
b) Three or four.
c) One or two.
d) Never.

11. Which is the best combination on your plate?
a) Fat and carbohydrates.
b) Cucumber and tomato.
c) Carbohydrates and proteins.
d) Vegetables and olive oil.

12. Do you often get nervous?
a) Always.
b) Very often.
c) Sometimes: but I never loose my temper.
d) Never.

13. How many meals a day do you eat?
a) Well, two big meals at midday and in the evening – rather late – plus some snacks, chocolate bars etc.
b) I eat always when I am hungry.
c) Three meals.
d) Five small meals.

14. How often do you meet your friends?
a) I don’t have any friends.
b) Everyday we meet and spend long hours together.
c) We meet a few times a week – usually at the weekend.
d) I meet them only at school – I don’t have time for such things.

15. Do you drink coffee?
a) I can’t live without it – I drink about six to ten cups a day. It must be very strong.
b) Yes, I do – about four or five cups. Always with milk and sugar.
c) I like coffee and I always drink from one to three cups a day. / I don’t like coffee and I don’t drink it.
d) I don’t drink coffee because it is unhealthy.


Now count your points!

Most A answers
You have a very unhealthy lifestyle. You eat badly, don’t practice sports and can’t relax. You are a couch potato who in a few years will become fat. Try to change it before it is too late!

Most B answers
You don’t have a very healthy lifestyle and you make mistakes, but you can improve! Introduce some changes into your diet and daily routine and you will feel much better. You seem not to think too much of what you eat or about your habits.

Most C answers
You have a healthy lifestyle and you don’t have to change your habits. You are very natural in what you do and you simply treat your body well, but you are not a slave of diets. Big applause for moderation.

Most D answers
You are very healthy. Don’t you exag­gerate sometimes? Life is not only diets and gym. Your drive to perfection is not so good for you – relax more! Try to reduce your tension. Life will not end if you eat a chocolate bar.

Improve your vocabulary!

carbohydrate – węglowodan
unhealthy – niezdrowy
applause – oklaski, aplauz
moderation – umiar


Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion.
George W. Hegel

You get the best out of others when you give the best of yourself.
Harry Firestone