Let’s organize a party!

When you organize a party for your friends, you must think about food and drink before. We don’t want a situation when a host prepares everything and pays for that, so when this is excluded, we have the following three options.

1. What have you brought?
Each person brings something to eat
or/and drink. It is really good because they are people (rare!) who can bake a cake, and there are people who prefer to buy Cola. A disadvantage is that when you don’t talk about it in details earlier (or even if you do, but later people change their mind), you can end up with five vegetable salads and a tank of mineral water. So it is important to have a pre-party meeting or talk on the phone and decide who brings what.

2. Going Dutch
A host (or, better, a few people) organize food and drink and everybody shares costs. A very good idea because probably the choice of goods will be perfect. Unless you quarrel too much what should be bought for your money. If you trust the organizer and simply give them freedom and money to organize a party, and stop complaining about the juice, the party will be successful.

3. Enterprise
You can also treat the party as a kind of enterprise. You have a pre-party meeting and, first, you assume how much money you can spend. For example you want to spend no more than 30 zl/person. Then you collect the money and decide together how to divide it in the best way (for example half for food, half for drink).

Food and Drink best recipes

Curry Hot Chicken
That’s simple and very tasty. The most important thing is that you must leave the chicken in a special spicy mixture for some time (at least five hours, better for a day). The taste of the chicken depends on the spices you use. You must use some hot spice like chili (or slice fresh chili peppers) and some milder, but tasty spices, such as red sweet pepper, curry (always), ginger (can be fresh, sliced), garlic, garram massala. Mix the spices with two spoons (for half kilo of chicken) of oil and some lemon juice. Cut the chicken into pieces and mix with the spicy curry mixture. Leave for a day (or a few hours if you don’t have a day). Then prepare a pancake dough – use one egg, a glass of flour and some sparkling water. Put the pieces of chicken in the dough and fry on oil. Great taste!

This is ambitious, but tastes much better that the one you call for. You will need a package of yeast, a glass of milk, two spoons of olive oil (or oil) and half kilo of flour for the dough. There are so many recipes for the dough that you can go crazy, but it important to get flexible dough which does not stick to your fingers. Put the yeast and warm milk into a bowl (tall!), add a tea spoon of sugar and mix well. It is important that you keep the mixture in a warm place. It should rise after a few minutes. Take a big bowl and put there flour, the yeast mixture and oil. Then you must knead it very well, putting the whole heart into this action. It takes a few minutes. Then put the dough in a bowl, cover with a towel and leave to rise. In the meantime prepare the tomato sauce: slice three – four cloves of garlic, fry it for a minute on olive oil, then pour a tin (or carton) of tomato pureé. Add a teaspoon of sugar and salt, some pepper and lots of herbs, especially thyme and oregano. Prepare also all ingredients you want, for example:

• ham, pepperoni or sausage
• tuna fish
• red or green pepper in stripes
• mushrooms
• olives

And remember to grate cheese!
Roll the dough on a big baking tin. I simply put it in the center of the tin (greased) and spread until it reaches the border. Then spread tomato sauce (half) on it, put all the ingredients and sprinkle with lots of cheese. Bake in the pre-heated oven (220 degrees) until it is ready (about 30–40 minutes). Check every few minutes. Delicious!

Improve your vocabulary!

exclude – wykluczyć
rare – rzadki
tank – czołg, zbiornik
enterprise – przedsięwzięcie
yeast – drożdże
dough – ciasto
knead – wyrobić ciasto
thyme – tymianek
grate – trzeć na tarce
greased – nasmarowany
tin – blacha
sparkling – gazowany
tangerine – mandarynka