My secret diary…
It is high time I made some decisions about my life. I am a young, easy-going, fun-loving teenager who has mature plans about starting my own company and who wants to leave a warm homey nest as soon as possible but my family puts huge stones on my way! Whenever I come home from school all from my friends, at the end of my tether, my parents keep asking me if I can look after my younger siblings. And that is no longer to be by all means! There is always something to do with them. I have to play dolls with my little sister or help to teach my seven years old brother to read, while my mother meets her friends or goes shopping. This is exhausting! Maybe, if these children were well-mannered and behaved quietly I could baby-sit them for two evenings a week but it is not this way. My sister is always crying when I do not want to play Ken when she plays Barbie. I never know how to stop her from crying as long as I agree on her ­conditions. And my brother is going ­through the ­philosophical problems asking me: why are three little pigs so stupid or why does Little Red Riding Hood not know that the big wolf is a bad creature. It is difficult to explain those things to a child especially when he does not accept your answers and wants to hear more by making up more questions to my horror. So, after many weeks of pointless thinking I have had a devilish idea. I have decided to baby-sit my siblings but for money. I want to be paid for my time-wasting every day job. I arranged a meeting with my parents yesterday and told them about my plans. They started laughing. And when I explained them my educational program for siblings they laughed even more. Finally, they agreed to pay me 5 pounds for every evening I spend with my brother or sister, from playing with them to preparing for supper. I can also teach them by using my original methods. I am going to read them stories, teach them how to write and paint, and in the meantime, I will help them how to deal with every day problems like washing their ears. Who knows, maybe, if I am successful, I will set up a company organizing baby sitters? But I am going to do it only if my educational program works out. Right now I am trying to discourage my brother from drawing horses in my diary. Sometimes I wish I did not teach him so many things.

Improve your vocabulary!

to be fed up with sth – mieć czegoś dość
easy-going – spokojny
nest – gniazdo
tether – granice, liny
exhausting – wyczerpujący
condition – warunek
Little Red Riding Hood – Czerwony Kapturek