Are parents your best friends? Or perhaps the only thing you dream about is to move out?

A traditional parent is the only one that exists in two types depending on the sex. A traditional mother cooks, cleans everything around and tells you not to forget about your umbrella. She is devoted to her family. A traditional father works, comes home for dinner and takes you to the zoo on Sunday. Cultivating tradition is the most important for them, so to get on well and avoid arguments, you should be a very traditional daughter or son. Good manners and politeness are important and you must show that you look up to your parents for all they do for you.

The emperor parent often disapproves of your behaviour and criticizes you openly. He or she has the power in this house and everybody has to be ­obedient to them. They take all signs of ­disobedience with a sneer or, which is worse, ­violence. Obviously you can’t change your parents into different ones, so the only thing you can do is pretend you are a good soldier. Show them that you respect their decisions and try to smuggle little victories. But never try to take over the kingdom – you will be smashed. And remember that violence can never be accepted.

They leave in the morning and come very late, so tired that they are hardly able to talk to you. Their life is really hard but they manage to organize everything – you are not hungry and you have some clean clothes. But you simply miss them and after some time it might appear you don’t have many common topics. To get on with a career maker remember that in the evening they are exhausted so don’t get on their nerves. Try to ask them things about their job so that you know what they are fighting for. Make them a cup of coffee in the morning and, if possible, organize something at the weekend. They will appreciate that.

A friend in the morning and an emperor in the evening; a typical indecisive parent suffers from sudden mood swings. He might be warm and nice and then suddenly reproach you with ­something you did two months ago. An indecisive parent loves you very much and usually cannot resist being calm, benevolent and having very intimate relations with you. But from time to time a certain feeling of guilt appears, when the parent suddenly remembers that children should be brought up, and then he or she tries to be tough and traditional. In these moments try to be the sweetest child ever: they won’t last long

A friend parent behaves like a bosom friend. Will help you to make up for a date and will comfort you when you get a bad mark at school. If you managed to make friends with your parents, you are a lucky person. You trust your parents, you rely on them, you seem to complement each other and you simply love spending time together. If you want this to last forever, you should also behave like a friend. You shouldn’t cheat them or lie to them and you shouldn’t forget them when you plan your weekend. Then everybody will simply envy you!

Improve your vocabulary!

appreciate – docenić
argument – kłótnia
benevolent – życzliwy, dobroczynny
bosom friend – przyjaciel od serca
bring up – wy­cho­wywać
comfort – pocieszyć
complement each other – uzu­peł­niać się
date – randka
devoted – oddany
disapprove of sth – mieć za złe, nie pochwalać
disobedience – nie­posłu­szeń­stwo
emperor – imperator, cesarz
forbidden – zabronione
get on sb’s nerves – działać komuś na nerwy
good manners – dobre maniery
indecisive – niezdecydowany
look up to – szanować
make friends with… – zaprzyjaźnić się z…
mood swings – zmiany nastrojów
obedient – posłuszny
rely on sb – polegać na kimś
reproach you with – robić wyrzuty z powodu
violence – przemoc
envy – zazdrościć, zazdrość
cheat – oszukiwać