Jeżeli piszesz raport na jakiś temat, musisz wiedzieć o kilku zasadach.

  • Pamiętaj, aby używać formalnego języka, nie używać słów potocznych i skrótów.
  • Staraj się też, aby tekst był zwięzły, krótki i zrozumiały.

Wskazówki do zapamiętania!

  • To: (do kogo)
  • From: (od kogo – autor)
  • Date: (data, np. 12 October 2006)
  • Subject: (temat)

Introduction (wtęp)

Wstęp powinien być zwięzły i jasny. Pomyśl, że nikt oprócz Ciebie nie wie, o co chodzi. Wyjaśnij, jaki jest cel Twojego raportu.

  • The aim/purpose of this report is to show/illustrate…
  • This report is concerned with…
  • This report is intended to…
  • This report is written to analyse…
  • This report deals with…

Conclusion/summary (podsumowanie)

Przypomnij cel, w jakim twój raport został napisany. Jeżeli nie pisałeś wcześniej o swoich zaleceniach, teraz masz szansę, aby o nich wspomnieć w jednym zdaniu.

  • In conclusion I would like to stress that…
  • In my opinion…
  • It is a fact that…
  • It appears to/seems to…
  • There is no doubt that…

Punkty, w których wyrażasz swoją opinię

Nadaj temu paragrafowi tytuł. Możesz również dać oddzielne tytuły dla argumentów za i przeciw. Opisz je w dwóch paragrafach lub przedstaw je w punktach.

  • The advantages/disadvantages are as follow…
  • The most convincing arguments are…
  • I would mention… as the most discouraging feature of…
  • Here is the list of benefits…

Recommendation (uwagi/zalecenia – jeżeli zleceniodawca o nie prosił!)

Napisz, w jaki sposób można rozwiązać problem. Staraj się, aby Twoja opinia była poparta przykładami i nie była zbyt osobista.

  • I would recommend… because…
  • I would not hesitate to recommend…
  • I would suggest…
  • In my opinion, it would be worth… + ing…

Przykład raportu

To: Mr. Andrew Douglas

From: Heather Milestone

Date: 24 October 2006

Subject: Places to visit during your stay in Grodek

This report is written to analyse places that may be interesting for your group to see while staying in our town, Grodek. I have visited all places from the list to collect information about fees and opening hours that would be suitable for you.

Places to visit in Grodek
In Grodek there are many places that are worth seeing. Unfortunately, some of them are open to public only in summer season. However, there are two attractions that may be taken into consideration as they seem suitable for you:

  1. The Open Theatre is a very popular tourist attraction from the 19th century. In the past it used to be open only for the elite of the town. Today you can visit the celebrities’ rooms and the backstage. You can also see a great collection of wigs and costumes from the 19th century. Open every day; every fortnight a traditional play shown; low fees.
  2. The Cube used to be a jail tower. It was built in the 18th century when the king decided to send all the criminals from the country to one place. It is surrounded by different labyrinths full of traps. Open every day; special shows on weekends; big discounts for groups.

The attractions that have been introduced in this report are well-known and popular among foreign tourists. I would not hesitate to recommend both of them to your group.