I know one guy who may be my best friend if we get to know each other better. When I first met him, I thought he was just
a lazy type. Later, I learned that he is a hard-working and ambitious man. Unfortunately, he’s quite shy so he doesn’t talk to other people too much.
I think he has too many complexes! He is slim, tall and has curly, thick hair. He thinks that nobody likes him – which is not true, by the way. I like spending time with him because we both are interested in warhammer.

to get to know each other – poznać się nawzajem
lazy – leniwy
hard-working – ciężko pracujący
shy – nieśmiały
complexes – kompleksy; (nie myl z ‘completion’ = ‘cera’)
slim – szczupły
curly, thick hair – kręcone, gęste włosy
to spend time – spędzać czas

My best friend is a horrible guy! He is talkative and impatient with shy people. Sometimes he can be very rude, especially with the teachers. What’s strange is that girls love him! He is not very handsome. He’s got a broad face and grey greasy hair and he is overweight but he is an honest friend and he can keep a secret – that’s very important. I can talk with him about anything.

a horrible guy – okropny koleś
talkative – rozgadany; dużo mówiący
impatient – niecierpliwy
rude – niegrzeczny
strange – dziwny/dziwne
handsome – przystojny
a broad face – szeroka twarz
greasy hair – tłuste włosy
honest – szczery; uczciwy
to keep a secret – zachować/dochować tajemnicy

I don’t have a best friend.
I don’t want to be hurt again. Last time when I had a best friend she told our friends some horrible things about me, then she was pretending she didn’t say anything. She was very mean. Besides, she was very unkind and intolerant. She was very self-absorbed and believed that every boy liked her. After some time I noticed that people didn’t want to talk to me because they knew she was my friend.

to be hurt – zostać zranionym
to pretendudawać
mean – podła
unkind – niemiła; nieuprzejma
self-absorbed – skoncentrowana na sobie/zapatrzona w siebie

My best friend is a good looking man. He’s well-built, but not overweight, has blond hair and blue eyes. Girls are crazy about him! They ask me all the time to introduce them to him! Janek, that’s his name, is a quiet and rather unsociable type. Sometimes I think he feels lonely. He says he’s ambitious and needs to study a lot and he doesn’t have time for parties. I like him because he has a great sense of humour and I don’t know a more reliable person than he is.

good looking – dobrze wyglądajacy
well-built – dobrze zbudowany
overweight – nadwaga
to be overweight – mieć nadwagę
to be crazy about… – szaleć za…
to introduce – przedstawić (się)
quiet – cichy
an unsociable type – nietowarzyski typ
ambitious – ambitny
to have a sense of humour – mieć poczucie humoru
reliable – taki, na którym można polegać, godny zaufania

I’ve always had the same best friend! We met in the first grade of primary school. She was so ugly! She had straight red hair and her pale face was full of freckles! At the beginning everybody was laughing at her but she was always calm and polite and children discovered she could be a fantastic, generous friend. Now her hair is darker and she has beautiful green eyes. Boys don’t find her unattractive any more. I’m very happy for her.

straight red hair – proste rude włosy
a pale face – blada twarz
freckles – piegi
to laugh at… – śmiać się z…
calm – spokojna; opanowana
polite – uprzejma; grzeczna
a generous friend – hojny przyjaciel/przyjaciółka
unattractive – nieatrakcyjna

My best friend’s name is Kasia. She is a very pretty and attractive girl. We spend a lot of time together. She is very cheerful so I never feel sad when I am with her. She is also very patient and when I need her help (especially in maths), she will always help me – she needs a lot of patience then because maths for me is black magic. What I like about her the most is that she loves animals. She would never let anybody hurt an animal.

attractive – atrakcyjna
cheerful – radosna
to feel sad – czuć się smutno/być smutnym
patient – cierpliwa
patience – cierpliwość
to hurt – ranić, krzywdzić