Temat: życie rodzinne i towarzyskie

Zadanie maturalne

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Families at war

Divorce is indiscriminate. It can affect anyone, at any time, breaking up what seem to be the happiest, most secure of marriages, creating havoc in the lives of men, women and children. Most of the time divorce changes home into battleground after holiday. Family Policy study Centre reveals that not less than 37% of marriages will break down after vacation.

When a couple declare war on each other, material possessions become weapons and children are enlisted as allies in a conflict. All too often as the family collapses, the emotional security of a child’s life is threatened, leaving a trail of broken relationships. The child falls into a trap of being treated as a pawn or a messenger becomes confused and suffers from divided loyalties.

All of the children suffer in the aftermath of their parents’ separation. The situation gets worst when the children’s disappointment manifests itself in anger. They struggle to suppress the feeling of bitterness in their life. In addition, they find it difficult to form a permanent relationship or find a regular job.

It takes a whale of time for children to accept divorce as a positive reality; however, it is thought that a good divorce is better than a bad marriage. When parents on war stay together for financial security and family reputation the children find themselves on an emotional rollercoaster. Dysfunctional families create more dysfunctional families and destructive behaviour repeats itself unless the pattern is broken and a healthy relationship is established.


  • indiscriminate – masowy
  • havoc – zamieszanie
  • battleground – pole bitwy/walki
  • reveal – wyjawiać
  • declare war – wypowiedzieć wojnę
  • allies (ally) – sprzymierzeniec
  • pawn – pionek
  • suffers from – cierpieć z jakiegoś powodu
  • aftermath – następstwa
  • whale of time – szmat czasu
  • pattern – wzór
  • behaviour – zachowanie


Zaznacz prawidłową odpowiedź.

1. Divorce affects only certain groups of society. T F
2. More than 37% of divorces affect after holiday. T F
3. Children become a party in a conflict. T F
4. Children always choose one parent to support. T F
5. Children of divorced parents have difficulties in working at one post for a long time. T F
6. Divorce is always bad. T F
7. Family reputation can be a case to avoid divorce. T F
8. Children of divorced parents form dysfunctional families only. T F


1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. F; 5. T; 6. F; 7. T; 8. F

Spójrz – wyróżniliśmy fragmenty, na podstawie których mogłeś wywnioskować, czy zdania są prawdziwe czy fałszywe.

Divorce is indiscriminate. It can affect anyone (1), at any time, breaking up what seem to be the happiest, most secure of marriages, creating havoc in the lives of men, women and children. Most of the time divorce changes home into battleground after holiday. Family Policy study Centre reveals that not less than 37% of marriages will break down after vacation (2).

When a couple declare war on each other, material possessions become weapons and children are enlisted as allies in a conflict (3). All too often as the family collapses, the emotional security of a child’s life is threatened, leaving a trail of broken relationships. The child falls into a trap of being treated as a pawn or a messenger becomes confused and suffers from divided loyalties (4).

All of the children suffer in the aftermath of their parents’ separation. The situation gets worst when the children’s disappointment manifests itself in anger. They struggle to suppress the feeling of bitterness in their life. In addition, they find it difficult to form a permanent relationship or find a regular job (5).

It takes a whale of time for children to accept divorce as a positive reality; however, it is thought that a good divorce is better than a bad marriage (6). When parents on war stay together for financial security (7) and family reputation the children find themselves on an emotional rollercoaster. Dysfunctional families create more dysfunctional families and destructive behaviour repeats itself unless the pattern is broken and a healthy relationship is established (8).