Are there any dangers waiting for you? What do you have to pay attention to, to stay healthy? Read your horoscope and you will find out what your delicate points are.

Forget about eating ice-cream even if the sun is shining! You may have serious problems with a sore throat (ból gardła). Avoid cold drinks as well. If you feel any pain in your throat, try a simple hot lemon and honey drink!

You have to be very careful with your teeth. If you forgot to visit a dentist, or if you are just afraid – there’s no time for hesitation (wahanie)! Check your teeth and don’t wait until you get a toothache (ból zęba)!

Have you worked a lot recently? Or maybe your TV is on all the time. Probably, it’s why you suffer (cierpieć) from those horrible headaches (bóle głowy)! Go for a walk, relax and don’t spend all day sitting at home. Your brain needs air!

Your… elbows (łokcie) are in danger! You may feel very uncomfortable with your stiff joints (sztywne stawy), especially when you have to write a lot. You want to get rid of the problem? Don’t play computer games all the time. This position doesn’t help your body.

Although the weather is getting warmer and the sun is shining more often, you have to wear a scarf and a hat. Don’t forget about them or you will have to face ear and nasal infection (infekcje nosowe)! They are painful (bolesne), last a long time and can be really serious.

You have eaten lots of unhealthy food lately and you can’t stop! Your poor stomach (żołądek) may not cope with this. Change your diet or you will have to spend months taking horrible medicine (lekarstwo). Then the diet will be very strict!

You have to be extremely careful! Do not take part in all activities that are offered to you. Think if you can manage, if you are fit enough, otherwise you may twist an ankle (skręcić kostkę) or even break your leg (złamać nogę)!

If you want to cope with this horrible rash (uczulenie) or allergy (alergia), trust your doctor. Take the prescribed tablets (przpisane tabletki) regularly and avoid anything that causes the allergy. Also, remember that being nervous and stressed doesn’t help!

Unfortunately, you will probably catch the flu (złapać grypę). Viruses are in the air! Eat more fruit and veggies (warzywka) to make your organism more resistant. Also try to avoid friends who are staying home because of… flu!

You may be in real trouble! There are some illnesses you have to go through like chicken pox (ospa wietrzna) or rubella (różyczka) and if there is anybody ill around you, you will probably catch it.

If you are planning to spend hours in the gym working out, forget about it! You will have to cope with back pain (ból pleców) this time. Exercising is good for your spine (kręgosłup) but if you are not careful, you may hurt yourself seriously.

You can’t read for a long time or you can’t see the number of the bus? Your eyes are tired! You can use eye drops (krople do oczu) forever or just change your habits. Remember that eye problems can cause very strong headaches!