How much do you know about the world around you? Do you know anything about festivals and holidays in different countries? Try to answer the questions below and check what do you know. Good luck!

1. The best known carnival is in:
a. Buenos Aires.
b. Rio de Janeiro.
c. Quito.

2. During the Holi Festival people throw coloured powder over each other. It comes from…
a. India.
b. Etiopia.
c. Holland.

3. Songkran is the Festival of Water and the New Year in…
a. Germany.
b. New Zealand.
c. Thailand.

4. Gioco del Calcio is a 16th-century version of a football match. People play it in June in Florence, Italy. There are…
a. …four teams with 27 players each.
b. …two teams with 16 players each.
c. …six teams with 5 players each.

5. Oktoberfest is a festival of:
a. wine.
b. beer.
c. grapes.

6. At the Sapporo Snow Festival people…
a. …make statues from snow.
b. …do winter sports.
c. …exhibit their animals.



festival – święto, festiwal
holiday – wakacje, święto, urlop
carnival – karnawał
different – różny, inny
throw – rzucać
exhibit – wystawiać
do sports – uprawiać sport
below – poniżej
try – próbować
answer – odpowiadać
country – państwo, kraj
football match – mecz piłki nożnej

Nazwy krajów do zapamiętania!

Holland – Holandia
New Zealand – Nowa Zelandia
Etiopia – Etiopia
Germany – Niemcy
Thailand – Tajlandia
Italy – Włochy
India – Indie


1 – b; 2 – a; 3 – c; 4 – a; 5 – b; 6 – a.