Test yourself!

Wybierz najlepiej pasującą odpowiedź dla siebie, podlicz punkty i dowiedz się, jakim jesteś zwierzakiem.

1. Where do you spend your free time?

Where I can be alone with my partner. – 0 points
Where something interesting is happening. – 1 point
With my closest friends. – 2 points
In a place I know well. – 3 points
Where I can think. – 4 points

2. What do you like to eat?

Light food. I love fish! – 0 points
Delicate meat and diary products. – 1 point
I like eating a lot. I love meat. – 2 points
I like small servings. – 3 points
I eat what is in the fridge. – 4 points

3. Who are your friends?

They are calm and nice. – 0 points
They are crazy but I can’t rely on them. – 1 point
They prefer to be on their own. – 2 points
I don’t have many friends. – 3 points
They are very smart and responsible (odpowiedzialni)
people. – 4 points

4. What do you wear?

Beautiful clothes that people notice. – 0 points
I like being noticed but not always. – 1 point
I don’t pay too much attention to clothes. – 2 points
I like smart and formal clothes. – 3 points
I wear comfortable clothes. – 4 points

5. What kind of a person would you fall in love with?

A pretty person. – 0 points
Somebody who gets what he/she wants. – 1 point
Somebody who can be a good leader. – 2 points
A responsible and caring person. – 3 points
A person who doesn’t get involved in conflicts. – 4 points


0-3 points – You are a Swan
You always want to be the best looking person at the party. Don’t look in the mirror all the time! People love you for who you are!

4-8 points – You are a Fox
You are a little bit messy (bałaganiący). Some people are afraid you may trick them. Don’t try to be sly (przebiegły) or you’ll lose your friends!

9-14 points – You are a Tiger
People like you for your strong character and sense of humour, but you can also be a tyrant (tyran). Sorry, that’s true. Don’t be too demanding (zbyt wymagający).

15-19 points – You are an Eagle
You feel good with people you know. They know your true personality. You’re warm and calm but sometimes you’re too serious. Relax more!

19-20 points – You are a Wolf
You are calm and very wise, but if something annoys you too much, you can be really vicious (wredny). Don’t get angry so easily! Let people make mistakes sometimes.


In July 2003 animal rights activists stripped naked (rozebrali się) to protest against the running of bulls through the streets of Pamplona, Spain. They wanted to show how the animals have to go through while slipping (ślizgając się) and sliding on the streets. They are terrified, they break (łamać) their bones, they suffer…

On the 23 of August 2007 in Bilbao, northern Spain pro-animal-rights activists protested against bullfighting. Six people (the same number as bulls during a corrida) were lying on the street for several (kilka) hours. There was red paint on their back and they were pretending they were dead. The day before the bullfight in Bilbao, Spanish public television decided not to telecast (transmitować) bullfights live!