Will the world of sport develop towards new record breakings without performance-enhancing drugs? What is your opinion on this subject?

Napisz rozprawkę, w której ustosunkujesz się do problemu: czy w świecie sportu możliwe są jeszcze rekordy bez udziału dopingu?

Nowadays the world of sport faces two main problems. Firstly, new record breakings seem to be harder and harder to achieve. Secondly, more and more sportsmen are caught on taking drugs to become record breakers and beat other contestants on the way to victory. It is a vicious circle that starts and ends on the question about human physical abilities.

Some people claim that a lot of contemporary amateur athletes and swimmers would have broken world records if they had taken part in the first Olympic Games. Since then the performance has improved dramatically. But today we have to handle the opposite situation: our improvements in sport have begun to slow down and some experts predict a ceiling for many sports events, like 100 metres run.

However, the ceiling for our physical abilities does not reduce our ambitions. A lot of scientists try to work out such problems, like building the strength of the muscles or improve the stamina. Another factor, which is slowly becoming the biggest threaten in the world of sport, is performance-enhancing drugs. Many great sportsmen would still be the record holders if they had not been caught taking drugs or, so called, doping. The problem which arises here is that the techniques of revealing drugs in human body appear not to keep the pace enhancing doping methods. And so the problem will not disappear, it will remain hidden.

In my opinion, doping is not the solution for ambitious record breakers. If the records stop being broken, the only way will be to find new disciplines of sport where people will still be able to get the thrill of.

  • performance-enhancing drug – środek dopingujący
  • contestant – zawodnik
  • predict – przewidywać