Temat: science

Zadanie maturalne

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What technological gadgets would make your life simpler?

It is not so rare in the contemporary media to discuss the question whether the modern technological gadgets do really make our life simpler. Let us take into consideration the fact of personal computers appearance on the market. Well, they relieved throngs of people from frustrating tears after correcting typing mistakes with liquid eraser for millions times every day, but, on the other hand, they privileged children in the families, sometimes undeservingly (who is perceived as an computer expert nowadays in an average family?) making impossible for them to gain experience in personal communication on any field except for a sparkling plasma screen. These young people, paradoxally, have their scope limited by one of the most beloved gadgets in the contemporary world! Luckily very few is aware of it.

Therefore, talking about technological gadgets, we asked some teenagers about their personal needs: what would make their life REALLY easier? Perhaps one day the scientists and inventors will be all ears to find out their answers…

Arek, 17, Poland:
When I was a small kid I used to dream about time machine. I spent long hours on fancing remote, long time ago forgotten places welcoming me to explore them. My favourite period of time was Middle Ages: I dreamt of being a knight and fighting with a sword. And riding a horse, of course! Since I got interested in Physics and I learnt about Theory of Black Holes and space-time distortion I have changed my dreams into more down-to-earth. I’d like to own a machine that make me remember everything I wish and forget all the stuff I don’t need. I think it would be a kind of a pill that, once swallowed, would melt in my abdomen and take control over all the nerves.

Berthie, 18, Scotland:
I haven’t got lifelong ambitions about technological gadgets that would make my life easier – I just would like to have an android (domestic robot) which key application and software would include tidying my house up regularly, neatly and briefly. My mum makes me do it every Saturday when I have different plans – I wish I could meet my boyfriend or go shopping to the mall but I have to wash, clean, mop, dust and hoover the house. I really detest it! My android would become my friend one day – how can you not love the device that reports the intruder answering your mobile phone as well as protects you, being part of home security system?

Louise, 16, France:
I know what I need: a fully automatic baby-sitter for my younger brother. Loïc is now almost two and he wants me to go to the playground all the time, play on slides, climbers and playhouses. He is too small to communicate with other children so he is stuck to me all day when my parents are off! I know all merry-go-rounds, swingsets, springriders and see-saws nearby. I am quite often fed up with it though I love Loïc very much. If I had an automatic nanny she would sit in the sandbox and I would sit in the cinema!



1) According to the author, children nowadays are frequently perceived as domestic PC experts. T F
2) Arek imagines he lives in the Middle Ages. T F
3) Arek’s ideal device would sort the information to remember for his brain. T F
4) Berthie does not mind cleaning every Saturday. T F
5) Berthie’s android would tell her who calls her. T F
6) Loïc is old enough to play with other children in the playground. T F
7) Electronic nanny’s task would be to try all merry-go-rounds, swingsets and springriders with Louise’s brother. T F


1 T, 2 F, 3 T, 4 F, 5 T, 6 F, 7 F;



1) To zdanie mówi o tym, że komputery osobiste (PC) uczyniły z dzieci osoby uprzywilejowane w kwestii ich obsługi. W nawiasie jest pytanie retoryczne – kto jest postrzegany jako komputerowy ekspert obecnie w rodzinach? W domyśle: wiadomo, dzieci.

2) Pierwsze zdanie (I used to… – zwykłem coś robić kiedyś, a teraz tego już nie robię) oraz to podkreślone świadczą o tym, że Arek kiedyś marzył o średniowieczu, teraz już nie.

3) Urządzenie pomagałoby zapamiętywać potrzebne informacje i zapominać zbędne – czyli właśnie je sortować.

4) „Doesn’t mind” oznacza: „nie ma nic przeciwko temu”. A Berthie ma wiele przeciwko tym czynnościom, bo ich nienawidzi.

5) Android zawiadamiałby Louise, kiedy na komórkę dzwoni ktoś niepożądany – a więc mówiłby, kto do niej dzwoni.

6) To zdanie mówi jasno: Loïc jest za mały, żeby bawić się z innymi dziećmi (dosłownie tu: komunikować się z nimi).

7) Elektroniczna niania nie musi nic próbować – wystarczy, jak będzie siedziała w piaskownicy.