Zadanie (gap filling)

Wstaw poszczególne wyrazy w odpowiednie miejsca tekstu.

Sense; chocolates; food; practise; manners; fork; example; age; invited; called

British people and tourist

The British are said to be reserved in __________ (1), dress and speech. They are famous for their politeness, self-discipline and especially for their _________(2) of humour. There are also things you need to be prepared for.
Visiting people in their houses
When you are _____________(3) to someone’s home, take a small gift (flowers or a box of _________(4) is fine) for the host and hostess.

They eat in European style, with a _________(5) in the left hand and a knife in the right. A problem may be what they eat. British ___________(6) may seem to have no taste and be overcooked.
Names they may call you
You may be __________(7) by many different names, depends on which part of the Britain you are in. For _____________(8), you may be called dear, dearie, flower, love, chick, chuck, me duck, me duckie, mate, guv, son, ma’am, madam, miss, sir, or treacle, according to your sex, ___________(9) and location. Do not worry! It is quite normal.
Now, get ready, ____________(10) your English and have a good time.

1 – manners; 2 – sense; 3 – invited; 4 – choco­lates; 5 – fork; 6 – food; 7 – called; 8 – example; 9 – age; 10 – practise.