Przykładowy opis ilustracji:

I can see a woman in a supermarket. She is standing near the fridge with milk and dairy products. There are a lot of products there: bottles and cartons of milk, yoghurt, cheese and butter. There is a big range of products. Some prices are yellow, which probably means these products are cheaper or there are some special offers. The woman is holding a carton of skimmed milk and probably trying to decide whether she should buy it or not. Her trolley is already full: we can see some packets of crisps, bottles with fizzy drinks and tins with meat or fish. The woman is smartly dressed in a grey jacket and a skirt, she also has a make-up: it seems she is doing shopping after work, that’s why she looks a bit tired.

Pytania egzaminatora:

  1. Do you think the woman is enjoying shopping in this place?
  2. Where do you think people are going to do their shopping in the future?

Przykładowe odpowiedzi na pytania egzaminatora:

I think the woman is enjoying shopping here. There is everything under one roof and there is a variety of goods. Prices are reasonable and there are attractive promotions and offers. The woman looks calm and relaxed: she has time to decide what to buy, she doesn’t have to be in a hurry, like in a corner shop where there is a queue and everybody is waiting for their turn.
I don’t really think the woman enjoys shopping in this place. Although it seems you have everything in one place, shopping here is time-consuming because there is nobody to help you if you need it and there might be long queues to the checkout. Probably she will buy a lot of things that she doesn’t really need and then she will be very unhappy.

I think that there are basically two possibilities of what is going to happen in the future. First of all, it is possible that people will return to their corner shops and open air markets. More and more people believe supermarkets are not as good as they seemed to be: they are crowded and noisy and they appear to be expensive because you buy a lot of things that are not necessary. Local shops offer good quality products and, what is also very important, local shopkeepers can become almost friends: in a small corner shop you are not anonymous. The second option is buying in virtual shops. More and more people do it, because they spend the whole day at work, when they have access to the Internet. It is time saving, especially with home delivery, and you can shop 24 hours a day. So probably in the future this form of shopping will become more and more popular.