Przykładowy opis ilustracji

In the picture we can see an airport, probably in Asia, because people in the picture tend to have Asiatic features. I guess it is an airport because of the signs, which say C1-C6 – tradi­tionally gates on an airport are marked in this way. We can see some people queuing to check in and some people sitting and waiting for their planes. People are holding their hand luggage. Some people are reading. The building is very modern – there is a beautiful glass dome a roof and walls are made of glass.

Przykładowe pytania egzaminatora

  • 1. How would you describe the atmosphere at this airport?
  • 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of flying?

Przykładowe odpowiedzi na pytania egzaminatora

1. I think the atmosphere is rather relaxing, people don’t seem to be so much in a hurry. Perhaps this is because in the ­picture we can see mostly the area when the passengers are waiting to go to their gates after they have already checked in. They can only read their papers or buy perfumes in duty-free shops – and there is plenty of time so they don’t have to rush.
2. I think flying had definitely more advantages than disadvantages. Firstly, it is much quicker than other means of transport, which is important especially when the distance is big. Now you travel to USA in less than a day, but if you travelled by ship this would take much longer. Also, all reserach and reports prove that flying is safe. There aren’t many disasters so the number of victims is low. It is comfortable and also with cheap airlines it becomes cheaper and cheaper. A disadvantage is that you have to be at the airport much earlier. Also, some people are really afraid of flying – so if you are scared, that’s a big disadvantage.