Opisz zamieszczoną ilustrację i odpowiedz na pytania egzaminującego.

W zadaniu punkty otrzymujesz za:

  • opisanie ilustracji (pełny opis, zachowujący logiczny porządek),
  • wyrażanie opinii (odpowiedź pełna, zgodna z treścią zadanego pytania).

Opisując ilustrację, pamiętaj:

  • o używaniu czasu Present Continuous:
    The boy is playing with his dog.
  • o używaniu form przypuszczających:
    He might be waiting for his friends.
    He may be…
    I think he is…
    He can’t be…
    In my opinion…
  • o zasadzie „od ogółu do szczegółu”;
  • o tym, aby nie opisywać ilustracji zbyt szczegółowo;
  • o tym, że jeśli nie jesteś pewien, co przedstawia ilustracja, powinieneś próbować zgadnąć.

Przyjrzyj się ilustracji, zwracając uwagę na następujące elementy:

  • miejsce,
  • ludzie/stworzenia,
  • co się dzieje.

Zastanów się:

  • dlaczego tam są (przypuszczenia),
  • co czują.


Opis ilustracji:

In the picture I can see a boy with a dog. I think they are in the street as I can see a wall of a building and a pavement. The boy might be 17-18 years old. He is wearing casual clothes and looks like somebody who loves punk music. He’s got an eccentric haircut, a leather jacket and baggy trousers. The dog is a big black mongrel. It is standing on its hind legs, wagging its tail. In my opinion they are in the street because the boy is walking his dog. It looks like they are good friends as both of them are happy and the boy is smiling.

Pytania do ilustracji

  • Do you think the dog is the only friend of the boy? Why? Why not?
  • What are the most common pets in Poland? Why?

Przykładowe odpowiedzi na pytania egzaminatora

I think the dog is the only friend of the boy. It often happens that young people who love punk music are rebels. They feel nobody can understand them. They don’t get on well with their family, teachers and schoolmates. That’s why they give all their love and feelings to their pets, especially dogs. The boy might have a lot of school friends but the dog is his only true one.
In my view the dog can’t be the only friend of the boy. The young man looks like a very sociable person with many friends around. He seems to be a member of a punk or rock band and young people who deal with music are hardly ever lonely. I think that when he’s tired with his daily routines he loves going for a walk and relaxing with his dog.
I believe that the most popular pets in Poland are dogs. Firstly, they are the only animals that can become real members of our families. They seem to understand our feelings and moods, and they are great company for lonely people.
They are able to show emotions and share our joys and sorrows. It’s believed that bringing children up in a company of dogs has a good influence on their characters. Kids become more caring, sensitive and responsible. Moreover, thanks to walking dogs people may keep fit and spend more time in the fresh air. Dogs are also good for security and make people feel safe.