Temat: zakupy

Zaznaczone zwroty koniecznie zapamiętaj! Przydadzą się na ustnej maturze z angielskiego! In the foreground of this picture I can see a young woman. She is standing in front of the stall at the market and seems to be buying some maize since I can see a pile of this grain in the middle of the picture. I assume she might be of Italian of Spanish origin, taking into consideration the fact of her tanned complexion. The woman is very slim and attractive. I cannot see very well but I suppose her hair is tied in a neat ponytail. She is wearing a black top and quite short, greyish skirt. I can see she is wearing some jewellery: a silver necklace on her neck as well as a bangle on her left wrist and a bracelet on her right one. The woman is smiling at somebody. She is carrying a plastic, disposable bag, and she is leaning forward to the maize so I suppose she is trying to choose the best one for her dinner.

In the background I can see wooden barrels with maize falling out of them just into the market stall. There are also white boards saying in English that the peach cream is as cheap as $3 a dozen. Because of the currency used here I am certain the situation is taking place at one of the local American markets.

Przykładowe pytania egzaminatora

  • 1) What time of the day it’s in the picture? Why do you think so?
  • 2) Do you like doing shopping in the outdoor markets or do you prefer big supermarkets?


1) I think the woman is doing shopping in the middle of the summer, scorcher day. She is wearing very light clothes and she is rather sunburnt. It makes me think she is either on holiday or having a lunch break in July or August. Moreover, maize is seasonal cereal grain. As it is cold – intolerate it is planted in the spring in temperate climates. Therefore the woman could not buy fresh maize in winter or autumn.

I can also notice it is a very bright day. That`s why I guess it is neither dusk nor night. I could also add that if the picture was taken in the morning or in the evening the woman would probably wear thicker clothes – she would put a jumper or cardigan on or, if it was an exceptionally boiling day, she would carry it in her handbag just in case. I cannot see anything like that around her – since my conclusion is – it is a midday.

2) I love purchasing goods at the small, local markets. I remember the days when farmer markets were held every Tuesday in my place and everybody came there at that time to provide themselves with fruit, vegetables and so on. In my opinion big supermarkets and shopping malls have no real ambience – you cannot talk to the producers there, cannot meet your neighbours or friends to gossip a bit or just find out what seasonal fruit is available now. I think people nowadays have lost ability of living in the rhythm of nature. Visiting local farmer markets and buying fresh products there helps us to keep some nearly – forgotten traditions alive. Moreover, if I buy some veggies at the market, I always know who had grown them, who had planted them etc. Buying in the supermarket I feel as if I was buying ”cardboard box food”: imported and stored nobody knows where and how.
I like doing shopping in the supermarkets or enormous department stores. I know some people think such places have no friendly ambience but I strongly disagree with them. In my humble opinion supermarkets are the best places to do shopping as they offer a wide variety of goods and a wider selection of food than traditional markets in the square. I find such places as the latter antiquated and I believe the future will depend on stores that are able to compromise all kinds of food on one, huge space. Some people criticize the superstores for offering a limited selection of fruit and vegetables in comparison with traditional farmer markets because of the storing lives. Even if it happens so, I do not mind. I can buy there everything I am looking for not losing much time. That`s what I like most about such places.


Uwaga – to Ci się przyda przy opisie ilustracji!

Jak opowiadać o obrazku?

  • Najpierw staraj się zauważyć jak najwięcej szczegółów na obrazku (kto na nim jest, co jest tuż za nim, jak wygląda ta osoba itd.). Jeśli czas Ci na to pozwoli, zanotuj je.
  • Przy opowiadaniu o ilustracji zawsze obowiązuje zasada – od ogółu do szczegółu. Najpierw opisuj kogo/co widzisz na obrazku i w jakiej sytuacji (co robi), a dopiero później to, co znajduje się w tle, co jest na półkach w sklepie itd.
  • Pamiętaj o zwrotach pomagających umieścić elementy w przestrzeni.
  • Obrazek opisuj w logicznej kolejności, np. od środka do zewnątrz albo od lewej do prawej strony.
  • Jeśli nie znasz jakiegoś słowa, którego chciałbyś użyć, nie przyznawaj się do tego, tylko je omiń – przecież to od Ciebie zależy, jak skonstruujesz wypowiedź!