Uzyskiwanie informacji

Jesteś w Londynie i otrzymałeś informacje o organizacji ekologicznej, która poszukuje wolontariuszy do sadzenia drzew w parku niedaleko miejsca, w którym mieszkasz.

  • Dowiedz się, jakie warunki musi spełniać wolontariusz i czy możesz się zgłosić.
  • Zapytaj o czas i miejsce spotkania.
  • Dowiedz się, jakie ubranie i przyrządy będą Ci ewentualnie potrzebne.

E – egzaminator
S – uczeń zdający

E: How can I help you, sir?
S: I’ve just come across the information about your organization that is planning to plant some trees in the park in my neighborhood. I’d like to volunteer.
E: What would you like to know?
S: First of all, I’d like to know when and where exactly is the action taking place?
E: We start at 9 o’clock on Sunday in the southern part of the park.
S: May I join the action then? I am available on Sunday? Or maybe there are some conditions I should comply with? Do I need any special equipment?
E: There is only one condition: you have to bring your own gardening gloves and appropriate shoes.
S: Great, I’ll be there, Sunday at 9.
E: Don’t be late, see you on Sunday!


2. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiedz koledze o japońskim przyjęciu urodzinowym, na którym byłeś.

  • Jak ono przebiegało?
  • Jak byli ubrani solenizanci?

E: Tell me something about this Japanese coming of age ceremony you have seen recently.
S: As you know the ceremony is symbolic and after it you are ­treated as an adult in Japan.
E: But tell me something more about that.
S: The coming of age ceremony is celebrated when you are twenty. The strangest thing is that students from one year at school have the ceremony at the same time. They dress in traditional kimonos and go with their parents to the city council to sign papers and take some pictures. Than the I.D.’s are given. After that, whole families and their friends go to restaurants or home and have parties and of course take some more photos.
E: That sounds really unusual.
S: It is not as enjoyable as our birthday parties. The kimonos are not very comfortable and it takes hours to put them on properly. What is more important they are very expensive so the families have to hire them sometimes.
E: We can say that our eighteenth birthday clothes are less demanding.



Twój angielski kolega źle się czuje.

  • Zapytaj go, co mu jest.
  • Namów go, by poszedł do lekarza.
  • Jeśli nie chce, przekonaj go, by poszedł do domu.

S: Hi Tom, how are you.
E: Not very good, unfortunately.
S: What is the matter? Are you sick?
E: I do not know, but I have got a headache and a sore throat.
S: You should not be at school then! Why don’t you go to the doctors? I can take you there.
E: No, I do not want to go to the doctors, I will be fine.
S: But you look very pale, what if you have a temperature?
E: Well, I am a bit cold…
S: That is why you should not stay here. Let me take you home. On the way we will visit the drugstore and buy you some aspirin.
E: OK, let’s go home, I hate school anyway.