Zapoznaj się z opisem trzech sytuacji.
Twoim zadaniem będzie odegranie wskazanych ról.

Uzyskiwanie/udzielanie informacji

Twój kolega chce zostać członkiem organizacji ekolo­gicz­nej, do której należysz.

  • Opowiedz mu, jakie warunki musi spełnić kandydat.
  • Poinformuj go, kiedy odbywają się spotkania członków.
  • Zapytaj, czy po tym, czego się dowiedział, nadal jest zainteresowany.

S: I heard that you want to join us, is it true?
E: Yes, but I know little about the organization. Could you give me some details, please?
S: Sure. We meet once a month, in our school, to discus current matters, think about our plan of work for that given month and distribute information. If there is a need, we sometimes meet on Thursdays. Our group is open to new members and we would happily welcome you.
E: I’m not convinced that I’m the right person for your organization.
S: You just have to be aware what is happening around as far as caring about the environment is concerned. You should have the internal feeling that not everything is the way it should, be open – minded and of course pay the obligatory fee of 20 zlotych a year.
E: 20 zlotych is not much.
S: It’s true and you can make the world better with us. What do you think?


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Uczestniczyłeś w zbiórce pieniędzy na cele charytatywne, opowiedz o tym kolegom.

  • W jaki sposób i gdzie zbierałeś pieniądze.
  • Wyjaśnij, ile czasu Ci to zajęło.
  • Powiedz, jaki był rezultat Twojej pracy.

E: How was the charity fair you took part in?
S: So so. We were collecting money for organization taking care of homeless animals in our town.
E: And how well did you do?
S: Well, not really well. I was doing it for the first time. I was standing in the street in the city centre and asking people to donate money to charity. Almost everyone passed me without even looking at me.
E: There are a lot of conman asking for money in the streets today.
S: Yes, but I had a special tag and we were in a group. I still feel like I’ve waster four hours of my life.
E: Maybe next time you’ll do better.



W Twojej szkole zbliżają się wybory przewodniczącego uczniów. Twój kolega nie chce głosować.

  • Poproś go, aby zmienił zdanie.
  • Podaj powód, dla którego Ty będziesz głosować.
  • Zachęć go do wzięcia udziału w głosowaniu.

S: On whom are you going to vote in the school leader elections?
E: I’m not going to, voting is a waste of time.
S: What are you saying; you don’t want to use the right that democracy gives you?
E: These are empty words.
S: Democracy gives you the choice. I don’t know if you have noticed that the candidates have different programs of improving our life at school?
E: I’m not interested in that.
S: Are you telling me that you are not going to choose between having more scientific convention or more parties in our school?
E: That’s right, I don’t care about that.
S: It’s really strange to me, not to use opportunity you are given.
E: I will not change my mind, sorry.