Temat: nauka i technika

Uzyskiwanie informacji

Chcesz wymienić kartę graficzną w komputerze, masz kłopoty, ponieważ po umieszczeniu nowej płyty komputer nie działa.

  • Poproś sprzedawcę o radę.
  • Opisz krok po kroku, jak to zrobiłeś.
  • Opowiedz, gdzie pojawia się problem.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello. How can I help you?
S: Hi. I have bought a new motherboard for my computer and would like to insert it into my computer. Do you think you could tell me how to do it step by step? I have already removed the old one inserted the new one but it doesn’t work.
E: Certainly, sir. But first of all could you describe how did you do it?
S: Of course. I have removed the old motherboard, added the processor and the memory to the new one and fitted it into the computer.
E: And is the new motherboard compatible with your computer?
S: Yes, I bought it at your store; you were the one that advised me which one to chose.
E: OK. And you did change the memory and the processor gently and carefully remembering about the contacts?
S: I did it for the first time in my life, I don’t know whether it was gently and carefully.
E: I see. And the computer doesn’t want to start?
S: That’s right.
E: I’m afraid you should bring your pc here so we could take a closer look at it.


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiedz koledze o wyjeździe do Egiptu.

  • Wytłumacz, czemu wyjazd był nieudany – cały czas miałeś małe zatrucie pokarmowe.
  • Twój kolega napił się wody i wymiotował.
  • Opowiedz o innych przypadkach chorób.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: So how was your trip to Egipt?
S: It was a complete disaster!
E: Maybe it wasn’t that bad…
S: I want to forget all about it. All of us got sick on the very first day out of the blue. Our guide forgot to tell us not to drink tap water and not to eat fruit and vegetables straight from the market. My friends, who drunk some tap water, started vomiting. One girl bought some fruit and got a horrible stomachache. In the evening half of the trip went to bed sick but we could not sleep because some of us had diarrhoea and the rest kept vomiting. When our guide called finally the GP* we were all lying in beds and dreaming of falling asleep. The doctor claimed food and water poisoning. He gave us some medicines and mineral boiled water and some charcoal to stop diarrhoea. We drunk warm still “coca cola” to get better and we stayed under medical control till the end of the trip.
E: You poor thing.

*GP – general practitioner – lekarz ogólny



Ktoś na ulicy prosi Cię o pomoc w obsłudze automatu na napoje.

  • Spróbuj mu pomóc, tłumacząc, co ma po kolei zrobić.
  • Zaoferuj, że poczekasz, aż ta osoba dokona zakupu, aby ewentualnie pomóc.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Excuse me, could you please help me with this vending machine? It doesn’t seem to work properly.
S: Of course sir. First, you have to put the coins in the slot.
E: I don’t have the exact amount is it OK?
S: Yes it’s OK. You don’t have to, it gives back the change. Then you have to choose the drink you want to buy by pressing one of the buttons. Next, you confirm your choice by pressing the “buy” button. After that, you only collect the drink and don’t forget about collecting the change.
E: I’ll try to remember that. Thank you very much.
S: Your welcome. I can wait and assist you when you purchase your soda, just in case I could help in any way.
E: That’s very kind of you, thank you.