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Uzyskiwanie informacji

Chcesz zwiedzić wystawę. Zapytaj przewodnika:

  • Gdzie masz pójść, aby dotrzeć na wystawę?
  • Co możesz na niej zobaczyć, czy będą tam Twoi ulubieni malarze?
  • Gdzie możesz kupić bilet?

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: Hello. I would like to buy two tickets for an exhibition that presents impressionism painters.
E: Here you are. It’s 4 pounds 50 pence.
S: Thank you very much. Could you tell me where the exhibition is? Where should I go?
E: Go upstairs and then turn right. Go straight the corridor as far as you see a big logo of the exhibition.
S: Thank you. I would like to see especially Vincent van Gogh paintings. And Monet. Are their paintings shown on this exhibition?
E: To the best of my knowledge, there are some paintings by van Gogh and Monet. But you will see many more and as well interesting as these two artists’.
S: Thank you very much.
E: You’re welcome. Have a nice time.


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiedz koledze o festiwalu filmowym, na którym ostatnio byłeś.

  • Opowiedz, gdzie miał on miejsce.
  • Poinformuj, jakie filmy udało Ci się zobaczyć (rodzaje filmów).
  • Powiedz, jakie są Twoje przeczucia co do festiwalu, co Ci się podobało.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: So, how was the film festival you went to?
S: It was really good. It took place in Kazimierz Dolny. There were 6 days of the festival, but I was only able to go there at the weekend, so I missed 3 days.
E: What kind of movies did you see?
S: I saw a couple of polish movies but most of all I wanted to see some American and Scandinavian films. I saw ‘Debt collector’, which was a very good choice. It is a really interesting story, a drama, acted brilliantly. It was directed by Feliks Falk, and I think this is the best polish movie shown this year.
E: What else did you see?
S: I liked the second part of ‘Kill Bill’ with great Uma Thurman, and the movie I found the most interesting, it was a Russian film called ‘Night shift’. It is a black comedy, with a very simple plot. But it is worth seeing, because while watching you get very involved in the action. One more movie I strongly recommend is ‘Corpse bride’. It is a cartoon, but very funny one and well done by Tim Burton. This last one you should really watch.
E: What did you like the most in the festival?
S: Of course a great choice and a wide selection of movies. Unfortunately I was there 3 days, and I regret not having seen the movies shown on the first days of festival.



Twoja siostra proponuje Ci pójście do kina na komedię, ale Ty chcesz zobaczyć przedstawienie w teatrze.

  • Powiedz, że chciałbyś pójść do teatru, by zobaczyć ulubionych aktorów.
  • Przekonaj, że film możecie zobaczyć w innym terminie.
  • Zaproponuj pójście do kina następnym razem.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Let’s go to cinema tonight. I want to see this comedy with Will Smith.
S: Can’t we go another time? They show today a great play with Krystyna Janda and Marek Kondrat. I am dying to see it.
E: We can see it later.
S: No, because they play it last time in this season. And you can not be sure they will play it another time.
E: But I want to see this comedy.
S: We can watch it at the weekend, and I can even buy you tickets. This play is great. Story is interesting, and not every day you can watch Janda on the stage.
E: Well, you have got the point there. So when are you going to take me to the cinema?
S: Is Saturday all right? I will book the tickets.
E: All right. We can go on Saturday.