Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji

Starasz się o pracę reportera w gazetce lokalnej. Dowiedz się:

  • Jak wygląda taka praca,
  • Ile zapłacą Ci za artykuł,
  • O czym możesz pisać.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający

S: Good morning. I would like to start writing to your paper. Could you tell my how you work with journalists?
E: If you have an interesting topic to write about we let you write. When the article is good and well written we publish it and then pay you for your work.
S: I wonder what kind of topics would be interesting for you. Can it be culture or you are only interested in local politics and economy?
E: We are interested in all the matters that are crucial.
S: How much do you usually pay per article?
E: From 20 to 50 pounds.



Opowiadasz koledze, jak spędziłeś część wakacji na kelnerowaniu w restauracji swojego wuja.

  • Opowiedz, ile zarobiłeś,
  • Jak wyglądała Twoja praca,
  • Jakie są Twoje wrażenia.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I’ve heard you spent some time during holiday working. Tell me how was it?
S: Actually, I found it really interesting but tiring.
E: Tell me something more about it.
S: I worked at my uncle’s restaurant as a waiter for a month. Every morning I had to sweep and mop the floor and lay all the tables before first guests came. Then I checked if the toilets are clean. When the guests started coming I always had to be ready with menu and dishes of the day. Finally I had to clean and lay them again after the guests have left.
E: Did you like it?
S: Yes, a lot. Although the work was exhausting and I sometimes had to be busy as a bee, it was pretty enjoyable and most of the guests used to leave me tips!



Angielski znajomy prosi cię o przepisanie dla niego wypracowania z historii na komputerze.

  • Zapytaj, na kiedy ma być gotowe wypracowanie,
  • Dowiedz się, ile znajomy gotów jest Ci zapłacić,
  • Nie zgódź się na proponowaną cenę.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator

E: Can you do me a favour? I need to hand in my History essay and my computer is broken. Could you rewrite my handwriting on your computer for me, please? I can pay you for it.
S: When do you want it to be ready?
E: I need to hand it in on Wednesday.
S: But we only have two days!
E: I know it’s pretty urgent…
S: I can do it but for 20 pounds.
E: Twenty pounds?! It is too much.
S: I know it’s a lot but I have only two days to do it. I will not be able to do anything else.
E: OK, rewrite it nicely, and I will pay you 20 pounds.