Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji

Przyjechałeś na kilka dni do Brighton. W biurze podróży spytaj o:

  • Możliwości zatrzymania się na kilka dni,
  • Godziny otwarcia banków,
  • Najbliższą księgarnię.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: Hello, I have just arrived to Brighton. Could you possibly tell me what kind of accommodation can you offer for a few days?
E: There is one pleasant guest house just round the corner. They offer bed and breakfast for very reasonable prices.
S: Very well then, I will go there, thank you. Do you happen to know when the banks open?
E: They usually open at 9.30 and close at 5.30 pm.
S: Thanks a lot. By the way, could you tell me where the nearest bookshop is?
E: Just across the street. It’s the biggest bookshop in the town.
S: Thank you kindly for your help. Good bye.



Byłeś w nowym centrum handlowym. Opowiedz o wizycie swojemu koledze.

  • Opowiedz gdzie byłeś,
  • Co ci się podobało,
  • Jak tam dojechać.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający

S: I have gone to this new shopping mall recently.
E: Oh. How was it? Did you like it?
S: Actually, yes, I did. It is located in the outskirts but there is a special bus which takes you there. So the trip is short. And the shopping mall is very attractive.
E: I don’t like malls. What can be attractive about it?
S: There is a lot of open space, so you do not feel claustrophobic. And every shop plays the same music, so you don’t get a headache when you are there. Shops are divided into clear topic areas. So, when you want to buy some sport stuff you enter the area of 20 shops that sell only sport things!
E: That’s really interesting. I must check it out!



Pożyczyłeś samochód z wypożyczalni na lotnisku w Chicago. Po godzinie jazdy okazuje się, że coś się dzieje z samochodem. Wracasz do wypożyczalni, żeby załatwić sprawę.

  • Wyraź swoje oburzenie, że samochód jest niesprawny,
  • Odrzuć propozycję wymiany samochodu,
  • Zażądaj zwrotu gotówki.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający

S: Excuse me. I would like to complain about the car I rent from you an hour ago.
E: Is something wrong with it?
S: Is something wrong? When I started the engine it turned off after a few hundred meters. And it repeated a couple of times. It is impossible to drive such a broken car on Chicago streets!
E: I understand your anger. Can I offer you a new car instead of a broken one?
S: No, thank you but I’d rather not rent another car from this company. On the contrary, I am afraid; I must ask you to give my money back.