Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji
Przechodząc ulicą, widzisz ogłoszenie o pracę wywieszone w witrynie sklepowej. Jesteś zainteresowany ofertą.
- Zapytaj o rodzaj pracy.
- Zapytaj o ilość godzin tygodniowo.
- Dowiedz się, ile wynosi wynagrodzenie.
Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.
S: Good morning. I saw your advertisement. I’m looking for a temporary job. What kind of job are you offering?
E: We are looking for somebody who could stand behind the counter while I take my children to school and take them back home. Are you still interested?
S: Yes, I am. I study at an evening school so the strange hours of working don’t bother me. We just would have to work out a schedule. How many hours a week you think I would have to work?
E: I think about twenty.
S: And what would be my wage?
E: Around 100 pounds.
Opowiadasz koledze, jak spędziłeś część wakacji na zbieraniu jabłek.
- Opowiedz gdzie to było.
- Jak wyglądała twoja praca.
- Jakie są twoje wrażenia.
Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.
E: I’ve heard you spent some time during holiday working. Tell me how was it?
S: It was so so. I was picking apples in one of the English farms.
E: Tell me something more about it.
S: Every day I woke up early in the morning, went to the field, and picked apples, which is a very hard work I must say. When I finished work I was too exhausted to do anything so just washed and went to sleep.
E: Would you like to do it again this summer?
S: I don’t think I will ever do it again. The work was strenuous but the money was quite good. I came back rich but needed time to become myself again. Holidays are for relaxing after all.
Prosisz znajomego Anglika, aby ten udzielił Ci kilku lekcji konwersacji. Zapytaj.
- Jak często moglibyście się spotykać.
- Ile kosztowałyby zajęcia.
- Gdzie mielibyście się spotykać.
Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.
S: What do you think how often we could meet?
E: I don’t think I could find time during the week.
S: Would it be possible to meet every Saturday afternoon?
E: It’s a good idea. I’m free around five on Saturdays.
S: How much do you charge for one lesson?
E: Usually 20 pounds.
S: Since I’m your friend’s family could you think about charging me a bit less?
E: Every eighth lesson is for free.
S: Great. Can we meet at my place?
E: Sure, I know the address.