Zapoznaj się z opisem trzech sytuacji. Twoim zadaniem będzie odegranie wskazanych ról.


Uzyskiwanie informacji

Jesteś w sklepie sportowym. Chcesz kupić rower górski.

  • Zapytaj o dane techniczne: rama, przerzutki.
  • Dowiedz się, czy ma gwarancję.
  • Dowiedz się, ile będzie Cię to kosztowało.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: I would like to buy a mountain bike, but I am a beginner. Could you recommend me one of these here?
E: Certainly, this one is very good.
S: Does it have a light crossbar?
E: Yes, it is a very light bike, made of alloy.
S: What about gears, how many of them does it have?
E: It has 6 on the rear gear and 3 levels on the front gear, it is enough for beginners.
S: What about the lights and the saddle?
E: It has the rear light and a big front light. And the saddle is tough but very comfortable.
S: How long is the guarantee for?
E: For 2 years. And if something is wrong you can always come to one of our service spots and we will fix it for you for free.
S: That is nice. How much does it cost then?
E: 2500 pounds, but if you are a student you have got 10% discount.
S: I am a student. OK, I will have it then, thank you for your help.
E: No problem.


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Spotykasz się z przyjacielem po wakacjach. Opowiedz o pobycie na obozie sportowym.

  • Opisz dyscypliny sportowe, w jakich wziąłeś udział.
  • Opowiedz o organizacji obozu.
  • Określ ogólnie swoje wrażenia.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: How was the camp then?
S: It was great, I had a lovely time there. We went at the seasite for two weeks.
E: How was the camp organized?
S: We were divided into two teams, and we had tents set up on both sides of the beach. Each team had its own kitchen and a bathroom. We met only during the games and excursions that our team leaders organized for us.
E: What kind of sports activities did you take part in?
S: Our team was the swimmers so every day we went at the beach where we spent a lot of time swimming, diving, rowing and playing volleyball and underwater hokey. It was great. The other team was volleyball players and runners, so they had a pretty boring time. Sometimes we played volleyball against each other and they would win of course, but when we played underwater hokey they didn’t have any chances to win! During the camp we went couple of times to the city, to see the old town or visit a museum or gallery but it was quite boring so I was happy every time we came back to the beach.



Koledzy chcą iść na wycieczkę górską, Ty uważasz, że lepiej byłoby wybrać się na spływ kajakiem.

  • Powiedz, że jest to dobry pomysł, podając argumenty.
  • Zwróć uwagę na atrakcyjność tego sportu.
  • Odrzuć przytoczone argumenty kolegów (na przykład – że jest to niebezpieczny sport).

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Why don’t we go mountain climbing? It is very healthy and relaxing. We know nothing about canoeing. Some of us are weak swimmers and it is rather a tiring activity, isn’t it? And it is probably pretty expensive, right?
S: First of all, we always do climbing, so why not try something new for a change? Canoeing it about rowing in a boat, and it is not tiring if you go down the river. It is very pleasant and relaxing and you can always admire views and take some great pictures. Besides, you don’t need to know it. We can join a professional canoeing camp. You will learn how to row very quickly. If some of us can not swim well, they will be provided with the life jackets in case a canoe goes up side down. Finally, it is not an expensive activity; it will not cost us more than climbing. I have checked the prices already. We will not spend money on accommodation because on such excursions you travel with tents. And there is a chance we will meet some new people, which is always an advantage, right?