Uzyskiwanie informacji

Kolega prosi Cię o poradę dotyczącą jego współlokatora.

  • Wysłuchaj jego skargi.
  • Postaraj się udzielić mu kilku rad.
  • Opisz, co ty byś zrobił w takiej sytuacji.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: I really need your advice. My room mate is really getting me down. He leaves his dirty clothes around our room but what is worse he sometimes even borrows my clean ones without asking. I have tried everything talking, threatening but the situation remains the same. I’m tired with these everyday arguments.
S: If I were you, I would look for a different room. Living with him just makes you more and more nervous.
E: Yes, but it’s not so easy to find a new room.
S: I’ll help you and ask some people, maybe they know something.
E: OK, it would be great.
S: Meanwhile, think about installing a lock on your wardrobe. It should stop him from using your clothes.
E: What about his dirty wardrobe?
S: Just put it into a rubbish bin, he should understand the suggestion.


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiedz o swojej wizycie u dawno niewidzianej rodziny.

  • Opisz, kogo spotkałeś.
  • Jak wyglądają członkowie Twojej rodziny?
  • Jakie są cechy ich charakterów?

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: So, how was your visit at your family?
S: It was very nice. I haven’t seen them for a long time, but the atmosphere was very warm and friendly. I met my uncle, who is my mother’s brother. He is a big and beardy man with dark features. He has a deep low voice and keeps telling jokes and funny stories. His wife, my aunt, is a short and plump woman, who is very warm and patient with her husband. When there is an argument going to start between them he picks her up and carries on his hands and they end up laughing. My cousins are twins. Anna is a very pretty girl, with curly dark hair and green smiling eyes. She is very witty and can be malicious sometimes. And Adam is a skinny, ginger boy, with lots of freckles on his face, very funny. In telling jokes he takes after his father.
E: They must be really great.



Twoja rodzina chce iść do kina w piątek, a Ty wolisz nową wystawę o człowieku w muzeum etnograficznym. Namów ich na wystawę.

  • Opowiedz, co można zobaczyć na wystawie (np. trochę prehistorii).
  • Skuś ich możliwością obejrzenia filmu pt.: „Walka o ogień”.
  • Opowiedz o innych atrakcjach.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: We want to see a new James Bond movie!
S: We can see it next weekend, and Friday is the last day of the exhibition I have wanted to see for such a long time!
E: What can be so interesting about this exhibition?
S: There is the whole story about the prehistoric times and the history of the human beings presented. We will see all the types of humanoids made of wax. Beside you will be able to watch a very interesting movie called “The Battle on Fire”.
E: The film seems little boring.
S: But really it isn’t. It’s more like the James Bond films.
E: I can hardly believe it.
S: What’s more, in the shop next to museum you can buy all the funny gadgets from the exhibition and I would like to have small humanoids!