Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji

Rozmawiasz z kolegą z Oksfordu o jego nowej dziewczynie. Zapytaj o:

  • Jej wygląd i cechy charakteru.
  • Jej zainteresowania.
  • Okoliczności poznania się.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Tell me something more about your new girlfriend. You’ve been spending so much time with her we hardly see each other.
E: She is simply gorgeous. I can’t stop thinking about her.
S: But what is she like?
E: Well she is intelligent, nice and makes me laugh all the time.
S: That sounds great. How does she look like?
E: She is quite tall, has got brown, shoulder length hair and green beautiful eyes.
S: Wow, a real beauty, but how did you two meet?
E: We attended the same English course in summer. We started talking and couldn’t stop.
S: Well, you look very happy so good luck.


Rozmawiasz z koleżanką o imprezie urodzinowej Waszej wspólnej koleżanki. Opowiedz:

  • Kiedy odbyła się impreza.
  • Jaki był jej przebieg.
  • Jaki prezent przyniosłeś.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: When was her birthday party?
S: It was on Friday. It’s a pity you couldn’t come.
E: I wasn’t feeling very well that day and spent the whole weekend in bed. How many people came?
S: There were about twenty people, most of them you know. We had great fun.
E: So I’ve heard.
S: It was just a normal birthday party with some eating, some dancing, and birthday cake at midnight and presents.
E: What did you get her as a present?
S: I bought a CD she wanted. It wasn’t a surprise present but she really liked it.



Twój kolega z Anglii pyta się Ciebie, co sądzisz o jego nowej fryzurze. Grzecznie skomentuj jego uczesanie.

  • Wyraź z wahaniem swoje zdanie.
  • Uzasadnij swoją opinię.
  • Doradź zmianę fryzury.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: How do you like my new hairdo?
S: To be honest with you I liked the previous one better.
E: But don’t you like it now?
S: I think it’s too long at the back and too short at the sides. You look almost like a punk.
E: Oh, well I like it this way.
S: It’s our head but if I were you, I’d trim it a bit at the back.