Zapoznaj się z opisem trzech sytuacji.
Twoim zadaniem będzie odegranie wskazanych ról.

E – egzaminator, S – uczeń zdający

Uzyskiwanie informacji

Wyjechałeś na weekend, chcesz wynająć pokój w hostelu dla studentów.

  • Poproś recepcjonistę o pokój.
  • Zapytaj, co wliczone jest w cenę pokoju.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Hello. How can I help you?
S: Hi. I would like one single room.
E: Certainly, how many nights are you staying?
S: Only two. Are the rooms with bed and breakfast service?
E: Unfortunately we don’t serve meals here.
S: Oh, I see.
E: Would you like a room with a bathroom or would you share bathroom with other guests?
S: Preferably with a bathroom, but tell me what is the difference in price?
E: The one with a bathroom is 30 euro, the one without is 20.
S: I’ll take the one with the bathroom. Could you tell me when do I have to leave the room on Sunday?
E: At 12 o’clock.
S: O.K.
E: Single room with bathroom for two nights, could you fill in this form?
S: Sure.
E: Thank you, that’ll be 60 euro paid now.
S: Here it is.
E: Room number 105, first floor.
S: Thank you.


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Ukradziono Ci plecak, jesteś na posterunku policji wypełniłeś już stosowne dokumenty, porozmawiaj z posterunkowym.

  • Opowiedz, jak doszło do zdarzenia.
  • Opisz, jak wyglądał złodziej.
  • Opisz, co było w plecaku.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Tell me, how did it happen?
S: It was just a second. I was talking with my friend, when a guy on a moped past me by and snatched the backpack I was holding.
E: Could you describe the guy?
S: Not really, it was just a split of a second. There was nothing special about the moped too. I only remember that the guy had red helmet and red ‘vespa’ moped.
E: That’s not much. Tell me what was in the backpack and how does it look like.
S: It’s green ‘eastpack’ backpack, unfortunately there was my digital camera, a brown polo-neck sweater and some cheese sandwiches in it.
E: Were any documents, mobile or money there?
S: Luckily not. I have my passport and I.D. in my holder and some money in my pocket. I don’t have my mobile with me.
E: Good for you.
S: Are there any chances that I’ll get my things back?
E: To be honest with you, I don’t think so. But we’ll try as we might. How long are you staying here?
S: Three more days.
E: O.K. Is there any way we can contact you if we find something?
S: Just phone the hostel I’m staying at.



Chcesz pojechać z przyjaciółmi na weekend nad jezioro, oni woleliby pojechać nad morze.

  • Przekonaj ich, dlaczego nie warto jechać nad morze.
  • Powiedz, co moglibyście robić nad jeziorem.
  • Odrzuć argumenty przyjaciół.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: The long weekend is coming, I thought we could spend it at the seaside, couldn’t we?
S: I like the idea of going somewhere but I’m not sure about the seaside. I think a lot of tourist will go there and you know how terrible crowds are at the seaside. Why don’t we spend the weekend at a lake?
E: But we could do so many interesting things at the sea. We could swim, play beach tennis, ride mopeds or just sunbath at the beach.
S: If you look at it closer, we could do all the things at the lake, plus we could rent a canoe or a boat and swim a little. We could even have campfires and go fishing. There a lot more things to do at the lake and what is more important, the lake is cheaper than the sea. Not mentioning, that you can find peace and quiet at the lake and we could relax a little during that weekend.
E: You are right, it seems to me that we should avoid the seaside.