Władze miejskie planują rozwinięcie linii autobusowej. Oznacza to jednak, że autobusy będą przejeżdżać na pętlę pod Twoim blokiem. Uważasz, że jest to niedobre ­rozwiązanie.

  • Powiedz, że nie jest to dobry pomysł i podaj argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj inne miejsce na pętlę, oddalone od bloków mieszkalnych.
  • Odrzuć przytoczone argumenty przedstawiciela władz miejskich.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący

E: The city council with a group of specia­lists decided to set up a new terminus in Genewska Street. As we think the ­neighbourhood of that street lacks bus routes. We have heard that you have some strong objections.
S: Well, personally, I think this is a really bad idea.
E: And you disagree with the opinions of experts?
S: That is correct. I’m sorry, but I am sure that the new terminus will completely destroy the beautiful surroundings of Genewska Street. It’s one of the oldest parts of Warsaw. Picturesque houses and lovely crooked streets will change into streets with ugly buildings filled with bus noise. Greenery will disappear and people will still drive their cars, because it’s a VIP area.
E: But the town needs to develop, it’s a very modern project we are talking about.
S: I understand, but development cannot mean destruction. Besides, there are other areas that need to be developed as there are new apartments for people being raised, like the one in Olszynka Grochowska. What is more, the people living there need public transport to get to work and school but no bus line is operating there.
E: OK, we will take your voice into consideration, but I can’t promise you anything.


W Twojej szkole planowane jest ustawienie na korytarzach automatów do coca-coli. Jako przedstawiciel uczniów przekonaj radę rodziców, że jest to zły pomysł. Przedstaw argumenty przeciw tej propozycji.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Could you present us your arguments against installing cola vending machines in our school.
S: Firstly, I would like to point that scientist have already proven that sodas make people more aggressive and block concentration spans. What we all know is that cola is not healthy and it doesn’t stop us feeling thirsty. What’s more, school is supposed to promote healthy living habits and putting these machines in our school is against this policy. School also should protect its students against developing digestive problems and even becoming overweight what is surely going to happen if we have vending machines with cola in our school. Last but not least, I have a question what are the school authorities planning to do with coke cans scattered all around school?
E: Thank you very much. I’m sure the school council will take your arguments into consideration.
S: Thank you.


Pożyczyłeś samochód z wypożyczalni na lotnisku w Chicago. Po godzinie jazdy okazuje się, że coś się dzieje z samochodem. Wracasz do wypożyczalni, żeby załatwić sprawę.

  • Wyraź swoje oburzenie, że samochód jest niesprawny.
  • Odrzuć propozycję wymiany samochodu.
  • Zażądaj zwrotu gotówki.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Excuse me. I would like to complain about the car I rent from you an hour ago.
E: Is something wrong with it?
S: Is something wrong? When I started the engine it turned off after a few hundred meters. And it repeated a couple of
times. It is impossible to drive such a broken car on Chicago streets!
E: I understand your anger. Can I offer you a new car instead of a broken one?
S: No, thank you but I’d rather not rent another car from this company. On the contrary, I am afraid; I must ask you to give my money back.


Spędzasz wakacje u angielskiej rodziny. Chcesz wybrać się z kolegami na obóz żeglarski.

  • Przekonaj swoich gospodarzy, że jest to bezpieczne.
  • Powiedz, co zamierzacie robić.
  • Obiecaj, że będziecie w kontakcie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go on that trip.
S: But it is a great opportunity. My friends will teach me how to sail and I have always dreamt about sailing!
E: I am not sure if it is safe.
S: It is totally safe! My friend’s parents, who are experienced sailors, will support us. Beside I can swim very well and we will wear safety jackets.
E: I’m not sure.
S: Don’t worry; I have seen the weather forecast. It is going to be a beautiful weekend. And I will have my mobile so we can stay in touch at all times.


Twoja angielska znajoma nie ma humoru. Postaraj się ją rozchmurzyć.

  • Zaproponuj wspólny spacer i pogawędkę.
  • Odrzuć jej odmawiające argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj rozmowę z psychologiem.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

S: Why such a long face.
E: Well, I’ve been feeling very low recently. Nothing makes me happy.
S: It can’t be that bad. If you have time for a little chat, let’s take a walk.
E: But the weather is horrible. It is going to rain! And I feel I’m such a bore.
S: Don’t say that. I find you the most amusing and interesting person. Nobody tells jokes like you. I think it is in the weather, that you have such a bad mood. But if you feel really low, maybe you should try seeing a doctor, like a psychologist. He can be a better listener and will advise you something useful.


Twoja siostra chciałaby zaadaptować strych i zamieszkać na nim. Też masz na to ochotę. Podczas rozmowy z siostrą:

  • Podkreśl, że to niesprawiedliwe, bo to Ty mieszkasz w mniejszym pokoju;
  • Nie zgódź się na zaproponowane przez nią pomieszczenie;
  • Zaproponuj, że w ramach kompromisu podzielicie strych na pół.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Z: Hi, so you want to revamp the attic into the neat bedroom and live there?
E: Yes, I’d like to. Do you object it?
Z: Frankly speaking yes. I find it unfair as I’ve been living in a smaller bedroom for all my life.
E: Maybe you could move to the room next to the bathroom?
Z: I don’t like this idea. The room you have mentioned is very narrow all and all day long it seems to be dim. I’d prefer we split the attic into two bedrooms.
E: I must think it over, OK?
Z: Yes, sure.


Dyrektor szkoły, do której chodzisz, w ramach kary decyduje o przeniesieniu Cię do równoległej klasy:

  • odrzuć taką propozycję;
  • poproś o podanie przyczyn takiej decyzji;
  • zaproponuj inną karę dla siebie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Although you have had many warnings your behaviour hasn’t changed at all. That’s why we decided to move you to class B.
S: But, sir, I think I should not be punished now. I’ve improved my behaviour since the beginning of the school year much!
E: Well, yes, but the teachers are still complaining about your chatting, bad marks and dirty language.
S: I would like to know what the direct reason for your decision was, sir.
E: It was the fact you were playing truant last month for 10 days. I cannot tolerate such behaviour in my school.
S: I understand, but I really would like to enhance my results in this school. What about my suspension for a month? I guess such punishment would be more fair!
E: It’s not a bad idea. Let us try, but remember – if you do not start to behave correctly, you will have to change the class.


Firma, w której przebywałeś na praktykach, wbrew umowie nie chce wypłacić Ci wynagrodzenia:

  • nalegaj na to, by jednak wypłacono Ci pieniądze;
  • nie zgódź się na zamianę gotówki na wolny dzień;
  • wyjaśnij, że w przypadku dalszych problemów będziesz zmuszony oddać sprawę do sądu.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Good afternoon, can I speak to the manager, please? I was on the internship in your company three months ago and I still haven’t received the salary for this time. What’s happened?
E: We have decided the internship is going to be unpaid in our firm, I’m sorry.
S: But you have taken up the decision after my internship. The money should be on my bank account by now!
E: What about giving you a day off instead of money?
S: I don’t like the idea. I am not working at the moment and I have holidays all the time. I need my pay.
E: I will have to discuss it with the management.
S: OK, discuss it, but I have to warn you that in case of problems I am going to go to court. I assume it would be better if we settled our dispute via mediation. Think about it. Good bye.


Przyjaciółka chce wyprawić Twoje urodziny w modnej restauracji. Nie lubisz takich dużych i głośnych imprez, dlatego:

  • wyjaśniasz przyjaciółce, że wolałabyś inne rozwiązanie;
  • nie zgadzasz się na to, by imprezę zrobić u niej w domu;
  • proponujesz, żeby spotkać się na działce Twoich rodziców.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, your birthday is soon, do you remember? I’m going to organize an unforgettable party for you in the most top restaurant in town. But I can’t see enthusiasm on your face…
S: Actually I don’t like such noisy and crowded parties. I’d prefer to spend this time on my own.
E: It’s out of discussion, I’m going to do something for you. If you don’t like the restaurant maybe we could organize the party in my house?
S: No, I don’t agree. Your parents would mind it, I know them. What about my parents’ allotment?
E: It’s a great idea! Let’s invite all your guests there!


Potrawa, którą Ci podano w restauracji, jest za zimna. Wzywasz kelnera:

  • prosisz o wymianę dania na inne;
  • nie zgadzasz się na podgrzanie tego samego dania;
  • wyjaśniasz, że zależy Ci na rabacie, bo potrawa nie spełniła Twoich oczekiwań.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Z: Excuse me, I’m sorry to mention that but my steak is too cold.
E: I’m very sorry. I’ll heat it in a minute.
Z: I would prefer you brought me another one. I don’t like food that is warmed once again.
E: OK. I’ll replace the dish. Do you wish anything else?
Z: Actually I am convinced I deserve a discount in the bill because of this inconvenience.
E: You are absolutely right, sir.


Plecak, który kupiłeś niedawno, zepsuł się po pierwszym użyciu. Wracasz z nim do sklepu:

  • informujesz o problemie i prosisz o zwrot pieniędzy;
  • nie zgadzasz się na wymianę na plecak tej samej firmy;
  • proponujesz, że możesz kupić w tej kwocie plecak innej firmy.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, can I help you?
Z: I’d like to speak to the manager, please. I have a complaint.
E: I am a manager here. Can I help you?
Z: I bought a backpack two weeks ago in your shop. Unfortunately, the straps got damaged after five days. That’s why I would like to give it back and receive a refund.
E: What about replacing your backpack for another one designer by the same company?
Z: I don’t agree. I don’t trust the brand anymore. I would rather take the backpack produced by another company that costs the same amount of money. Is it OK for you?
E: Yes, it sounds great. Please, look around and choose the most suitable backpack for you.


Kilka dni nie było Cię w szkole z powodu choroby. Zaraz po powrocie nauczyciel chce Cię zapytać z lekcji, na którym byłeś nieobecny:

  • wyjaśnij, że byłeś tak chory, że nie mogłeś się uczyć;
  • obiecaj, że szybko nadrobisz zaległości;
  • zaproponuj, że odpowiesz z tematu, na którym byłeś obecny.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Please, tell me, what do you know about the Warsaw Uprising?
S: I am very sorry, sir, but I was absent last week and I was not able to learn about it yet. I had a bad flu.
E: When are you going to make up for your backlog?
S: I’ll do it within three days. But if you wish I can tell you about the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. I’ve reading a lot about it.
E: If you are so well prepared, we are all ears…


Biuro podróży, w którym w styczniu wykupiłaś wczasy, odwołało wycieczkę. W zamian za obiecany rejs do Ziemi Świętej proponują Ci dwa tygodnie w Grecji:

  • nie zgadzasz się, wyjaśniając, że nie lubisz leżeć na plaży;
  • proponujesz, że mogą Ci wykupić bilet na jakąś egzotyczną wyspę;
  • proponujesz kompromis.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Good morning. You called me yesterday informing about cancellation of the cruise to the Holy Land.
E: We are very sorry. We would like to offer to you a luxurious stay in a four+star hotel in Greece for a fortnight instead.
S: I don’t agree for such a change. I don’t like lying on the beach. I wanted to visit interesting places, not waste my time getting sunburnt. What about offering me a flight ticket to any of the exotic islands from your travelogue?
E: I am sorry to say it but it is impossible. Travel to Greece is the only solution our manager is able to offer to you.
S: I am more sorry, I guess. OK, let’s split the difference: I’ll take the journey to Greece, but my niece will go there instead of me and you will include all the handling charge.
E: Why not?


Osoba, za którą nie przepadasz, chce Cię zaprosić na koncert.

  • Odmów grzecznie.
  • Nie zgódź się na kino zamiast koncertu.
  • Zaproponuj inną rozrywkę na wieczór w grupie znajomych.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, have you got any plans for the next Saturday yet?
Z: Well, actually I’m going to visit my grandparents then. Why are you asking?
E: I’ve got two tickets for the Cinema concert. Would you like to go with me?
Z: I am very sorry to disappoint you but frankly speaking I don’t like this kind of music much.
E: What about going to the cinema?
Z: I wouldn’t like you waste the evening in the cinema if you don’t like movies much. But how about going to the theme park with some friends of mine on Sunday?
E: That’s a great idea!


Chciałbyś obejrzeć mecz piłki nożnej na stadionie w Twoim mieście. Rodzice uważają jednak, że to niebezpieczny pomysł.

  • Przekonaj ich, że nie idziesz sam i że dzięki kolegom będziesz tam bezpieczny.
  • Wysłuchaj propozycji rodziców dotyczących tego wyjścia.
  • Zaproponuj, że tata może Cię odwieźć.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Z: Mummy, Daddy, I’d like to watch the soccer match at the local stadium next Sunday.
E: I don’t agree. It’s very dangerous.
Z: I will be safe as my friends are going to accompany me.
E: I don’t think teenagers could protect anybody. I’m sorry but I forbid you to go.
Z: Is there anything I could do to ensure you I’m not going to get stabbed at the stadium?
E: We could go with you.
Z: It’s not a good idea, I’d feel ashamed. What about dad giving me a lift directly to the gate of the stadium?
E: It sounds reasonable. We’ll think it over.


Ktoś na ulicy prosi Cię o pomoc w obsłudze automatu z napojami. Spróbuj mu pomóc. Powiedz, co ma po kolei zrobić.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Excuse me, could you please help me with this vending machine? It doesn’t seem to work properly.
S: Of course, sir. First you have to put the coins in the slot.
E: I don’t have the exact amount, is it OK?
S: No, you don’t, it gives back the change. Then you have to choose the drink you want by pressing one of the buttons. Next you confirm your choice by prassing the „buy” button. After that you only collect the drink and don’t forget collecting the change.
E: I’ll try to remember that. Thank you very much.
S: You are welcome.


Twoja rodzina chce iść do kina w piątek, a Ty wolisz nową wystawę o człowieku w muzeum etnograficznym. Namów ich na wystawę.

  • Opowiedz, co można zobaczyć na wystawie (np. trochę prehistorii).
  • Skuś ich możliwością obejrzenia filmu pt.: „Walka o ogień”.
  • Opowiedz o innych atrakcjach.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: We want to see a new James Bond movie!
S: We can see it next weekend, and Friday is the last day of the exhibition I have wanted to see for such a long time!
E: What can be so interesting about this exhibition?
S: There is the whole story about the prehistoric times and the history of the human beings presented. We will see all the types of humanoids made of wax. Beside you will be able to watch a very interesting movie called „The Battle on Fire”.
E: The film seems little boring.
S: But really it isn’t. It’s more like the James Bond films.
E: I can hardly believe it.
S: What’s more, in the shop next to museum you can buy all the funny gadgets from the exhibition and I would like to have small humanoids!


Twój tata w ramach oszczędności proponuje Ci pracę w jego sklepie komputerowym.

  • Powiedz, że chciałbyś pracować za wynagrodzenie, podaj, jakie.
  • Przypomnij mu, że znasz się świetnie na komputerach.
  • Zaproponuj, w jakich godzinach możesz pracować.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminowany.

S: Dad as for your suggestion. If you want me to work for you, you will have to pay me as a regular salesman.
E: But son, I wanted to make some savings.
S: Dad you don’t have to make any savings, the shop is doing great. You could just give me the job so I could get some money and experience. You know how impotrant is it to have some experience nowadays.
E: How much money do you want to earn a month?
S: Not much, I would like to earn some for holidays and maybe for a new koona.
E: That’s reasonable. Is 800 PLN a month enough?
S: Don’t forget that I know everything about computers and I could advise the clients.
E: O.K. but would you work everyday from Monday to Friday?
S: I could work everyday, but after 4 p.m. and never on Saturday.
E: So 800 PLN is maximum I can offer you.
S: So we have a deal.


Twoja siostra proponuje ci pójście do kina na komedię, ale Ty chcesz zobaczyć przedstawienie w teatrze.

  • Powiedz, że chciałbyś pójść do teatru, by zobaczyć ulubionych aktorów.
  • Przekonaj, że film możecie zobaczyć w innym terminie.
  • Zaproponuj pójście do kina następnym razem.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Let’s go to cinema tonight. I want to see this comedy with Will Smith.
S: Can’t we go another time? They show today a great play with Krystyna Janda and Marek Kondrat. I am dying to see it.
E: We can see it later.
S: No, because they play it last time in this season. And you can not be sure they will play it another time.
E: But I want to see this comedy.
S: We can watch it at the weekend, and I can even buy you tickets. This play is great. Story is interesting, and not every day you can watch Janda on the stage.
E: Well, you have got the point there. So when are you going to take me to the cinema?
S: Is Saturday all right? I will book the tickets.
E: All right. We can go on Saturday.


Chcesz kupić bransoletkę na pchlim targu, jedna ze sprzedawczyń ma taką, jakiej szukasz.

  • Zapytaj o sugerowaną cenę.
  • Zaproponuj swoją cenę.
  • Powiedz, dlaczego chcesz ją kupić taniej.

E: How can I help you?
S: Oh, I’m just browsing.
E: What are you looking for?
S: I’m looking for a nice present for my sister, a bracelet maybe.
E: I have some beautiful and not very expensive ones right here.
S: This one looks attractive, how much is it?
E: It’s only $45.
S: Oh, it’s too much for me. Besides this is not very good quality silver, I can offer you $30.
E: It’s ornate with amber, it’s worth more than that, $40 is my last call.
S: I’ll give you $35 because there is one stone missing.
E: You got yourself a deal, $35 than.
S: Here you go, thank you.
E: Thank you. Bye.


Zbliżają się imieniny Twojej przyjaciółki. Zastanów się razem ze swoją angielską koleżanką nad prezentem dla niej.

  • Zaproponuj kupno prezentu.
  • Nie zgódź się, że jest za drogi i podaj argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj zrobienie przyjęcia niespodzianki.
  • Zachęć do tego koleżankę.

S: It is Monika’s name day this weekend. Let’s buy her a nice present. What about a new CD of her favourite rock band?
E: I think such CD is too expensive. It is better to buy her a book.
S: But if we collect money from our friends, we will raise enough money to buy her this CD. Beside you know that she would be really pleased if we bought her this CD and she can not afford it.
E: OK, we can at least ask our friends. If we collect money, we will buy her this CD.
S: Great! I have been also thinking about preparing a small surprise party for her. We can ask people and have it at my house. It is not a big thing, some snacks, soft drinks and a secret, because we can not tell her.
E: Let’s do it, it is a good idea.

Twój angielski kolega źle się czuje.

  • Zapytaj go, co mu jest.
  • Namów go, by poszedł do lekarza.
  • Jeśli nie chce, przekonaj go, by poszedł do domu.

S: Hi Tom, how are you?
E: Not very good, unfortunately.
S: What is the matter? Are you sick?
E: I do not know, but I have got a headache and a sore throat.
S: You should not be at school then! Why don’t you go to the doctors? I can take you there.
E: No, I do not want to go to the doctors, I will be fine.
S: But you look very pale, what if you have a temperature?
E: Well, I am a bit cold…
S: That is why you should not stay here. Let me take you home. On the way we will visit the drugstore and buy you some aspirin.
E: OK, let’s go home, I hate school anyway.

W twojej szkole zbliżają się wybory przewodniczącego uczniów. Twój kolega nie chce głosować.

  • Poproś go, aby zmienił zdanie.
  • Podaj powód, dla którego Ty będziesz głosować.
  • Zachęć go do wzięcia udziału w głosowaniu.

S: On whom are you going to vote in the school leader elections?
E: I’m not going to, voting is a waste of time.
S: What are you saying; you don’t want to use the right that democracy gives you?
E: These are empty words.
S: Democracy gives you the choice. I don’t know if you have noticed that the candidates have different programs of improving our life at school?
E: I’m not interested in that.
S: Are you telling me that you are not going to choose between having more scientific convention or more parties in our school?
E: That’s right, I don’t care about that.
S: It’s really strange to me, not to use opportunity you are given.
E: I will not change my mind, sorry.


Twoja biblioteka szkolna chce zaprenumerować brytyjską codzienną gazetę brukową. Cieszysz się na myśl o czytaniu gazet w oryginale, jednak wolałbyś czytać poważniejszą prasę.

  • Poproś, aby zmienili zdanie i zrezygnowali z brukowca.
  • Podaj powód, dla którego wolałbyś czytać poważną prasę.
  • Zachęć do czytania gazet.

E: Dou you have any suggestions for us?
S: I would insist on quality newspaper not tabloid being ordered.
E: But why is that?
S: Quality newspapers are more serious and cover home and foreign news thoughtfully; tabloids concentrate on shocking untrue personal stories not important to be read.
E: Maybe it’s just your point of view.
S: Well, additionally, quality newspapers are twice the size of the yellow press ones so there are more things to read.
E: That might be a good reason.
S: The British are a nation of newspaper readers so why not check what they have best not worst on offer? Learn about the world from the best source, not waste money and time on something worthless.

Władze miejskie planują rozwinięcie linii autobusowej. Oznacza to jednak, że autobusy będą przejeżdżać na pętlę pod Twoim blokiem. Uważasz, że jest to niedobre ­rozwiązanie.

  • Powiedz, że nie jest to dobry pomysł i podaj argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj inne miejsce na pętlę, oddalone od bloków mieszkalnych.
  • Odrzuć przytoczone argumenty przedstawiciela władz miejskich.

E: The city council with a group of specia­lists decided to set up a new terminus in Genewska Street. As we think the ­neighbourhood of that street lacks bus routes. We have heard that you have some strong objections.
S: Well, personally, I think this is a really bad idea.
E: And you disagree with the opinions of experts?
S: That is correct. I’m sorry, but I am sure that the new terminus will completely destroy the beautiful surroundings of Genewska Street. It’s one of the oldest parts of Warsaw. Picturesque houses and lovely crooked streets will change into streets with ugly buildings filled with bus noise. Greenery will disappear and people will still drive their cars, because it’s a VIP area.
E: But the town needs to develop, it’s a very modern project we are talking about.
S: I understand, but development cannot mean destruction. Besides, there are other areas that need to be developed as there are new apartments for people being raised, like the one in Olszynka Grochowska. What is more, the people living there need public transport to get to work and school but no bus line is operating there.
E: OK, we will take your voice into consideration, but I can’t promise you anything.


W twojej szkole planowane jest ustawienie na korytarzach automatów do coca-coli. Jako przedstawiciel uczniów przekonaj radę rodziców, że jest to zły pomysł. Przedstaw argumenty przeciw tej propozycji.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Could you present us your arguments against installing cola vending machines in our school.
S: Firstly, I would like to point that scientist have already proven that sodas make people more aggressive and block concentration spans. What we all know is that cola is not healthy and it doesn’t stop us feeling thirsty. What’s more, school is supposed to promote healthy living habits and putting these machines in our school is against this policy. School also should protect its students against developing digestive problems and even becoming overweight what is surely going to happen if we have vending machines with cola in our school. Last but not least, I have a question what are the school authorities planning to do with coke cans scattered all around school?
E: Thank you very much. I’m sure the school council will take your arguments into consideration.
S: Thank you.


Chcesz przynieść do domu psa ze schronis­ka, przekonaj rodziców.

  • Udowodnij, że jest to dobry pomysł, podając argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj podział obowiązków.
  • Odrzuć argumenty przytoczone przez rodziców.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Dog in the house brings a lot of troubles. First, who will take responsibility of him, second, it is a dog from shelter, what, if he has a disease or is ill – mannered? Besides, we have never had dog in a house, what if he destroys our expensive furniture. Finally, where are you going to play with him and how to feed him?

S: First of all, this is a healthy dog. He has his health card and besides, was treated very well in the shelter. What is important he is very young, which means that we can train him not to touch things. I promise, I will look after him when I am at home, and when I am not you can keep him in my room. If he destroys something, I will take the responsibility and repair it or pay for it. I am going to play with him in my room or in the park nearby. The owner of the shelter told me how to feed him, he can eat the same food as we do, really. Besides, having a dog in house keeps you in a good mood – scientists have already proved it! And mum, you keep saying that you want to lose some weight – what about going for walks with a dog?


Twój przyjaciel skręcił kostkę.

  • Spróbuj mu pomóc.
  • Doradź mu, co można zrobić.
  • Zasugeruj rozwiązanie.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: I think I have just broken my leg.
S: Can you move it?
E: Not really.
S: Try to stay calm. Does it hurt when I to­uch it here?
E: A bit.
S: I can see it is getting swollen, but if it doesn’t hurt much maybe then you have just twisted it.
E: I am going to call a doctor.
S: Okey, but first I will try look at it and touch it here and there delicately just to check. I am sure you have twisted it, it is not that bad. If I were you I would try to immobilize it a bit so then the pain would be smaller.
E: You’d better do not touch it before the doctor comes.
S: But you can’t lie like that. Let’s try to immobilize the ankle. I will bring some elastic bandage and try to bandage your feet and ankle as to keep it sta­ble. Look I will put your leg between these two small wooden parts and then ban­da­ge your leg. If I were you I wo­uld do it. It will help your leg. And then we will call the doctor. Is it better a bit now?
E: Yes, thank you.


Prosisz znajomego nauczyciela języka angielskiego, aby ten spotkał się z tobą na kilka lekcji konwersacji. Zapytaj:

  • Czy mógłby spotykać się trzy razy w tygodniu.
  • Ile kosztowałyby zajęcia.
  • Czy spotkania byłyby w twoim domu.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: What do you think, could we meet three times a week?
E: I don’t think I could find time during the week.
S: Would it be possible to meet every Saturday or Sunday afternoon for three hours then?
E: It’s a good idea. I’m free around five on Saturdays.
S: How much do you charge for one lesson?
E: Usually 20 pounds.
S: If we meet for three hours could you think about charging me a bit less?
E: Let’s say, every third lesson is for free.
S: Great. Can we meet at my place?
E: Sure, I know the address.


Jesteś u znajomych w Dubline. Zaprzyjaźniony sąsiad prosi Cię o wyprowadzenie psa.

  • Przeproś go, podaj powód, dla którego nie możesz tego zrobić.
  • Zaproponuj inną porę.
  • Zaoferuj swoją pomoc w pracach domowych.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, could you do me a favor, please? I don’t feel well and my dog needs walking. Could you do this for me?
S: Of course, but not at the moment. I’ve got homework to do. I could do it later if your dog needs walking in the evening. Would it be all right?
E: That would be great. I’ll find someone for the afternoon walk.
S: Is there anything else I could do for you? Maybe you need help with other housework?


Prosisz znajomego nauczyciela języka angielskiego, aby ten spotkał się z tobą na kilka lekcji konwersacji. Zapytaj:

  • czy mógłby spotykać się trzy razy w tygodniu,
  • ile kosztowałyby zajęcia,
  • czy spotkania byłyby w twoim domu.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: What do you think, could we meet three times a week?
E: I don’t think I could find time during the week.
S: Would it be possible to meet every Saturday or Sunday afternoon for three hours then?
E: It’s a good idea. I’m free around five on Saturdays.
S: How much do you charge for one lesson?
E: Usually 20 pounds.
S: If we meet for three hours, could you think about charging me a bit less?
E: Let’s say, every third lesson is for free.
S: Great. Can we meet at my place?
E: Sure, I know the address.


Chcesz przynieść do domu kota ze schroniska, przekonaj rodziców.

  • Przekonaj, że jest to dobry pomysł, podając argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj podział obowiązków.
  • Odrzuć przytoczone argumenty rodziców.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Cat in the house brings a lot of troubles. First, who will take responsibility of him, second, it is a cat from shelter, what, if he has a disease or is ill – mannered? Besides, we have never had an animal in a house, what if he destroys our expensive furniture. Finally, where are you going to play with him and how to feed him?

S: First of all, this is a healthy cat. He has his health card and besides, was treated very well in the shelter. What is important he is very young, which means that we can train him not to touch things. I promise, I will look after him when I am at home, and when I am not you can keep him in my room. If he destroys something, I will take the responsibility and repair it or pay for it. I am going to play with him in my room or in the park nearby. The owner of the shelter told me how to feed him, he can eat the same food as we do, really. Besides, having a cat in house keeps you in a good mood – scientists have already proved it.


Znajomy Anglik, z którym właśnie wychodzisz z pizzerii proponuje Ci jeszcze pójście do klubu.

  • Uprzejmie odmów, podając przyczynę.
  • Wyraź nadzieję, że nie zakłóci to planów kolegi.
  • Zaproponuj rozwiązanie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Do you feel like going to a club after such a delicious pizza?
S: Don’t get me wrong. It was a great dinner but I have to go and prepare myself for tomorrow.
E: What is tomorrow?
S: I’ve got an important presentation and I have to be well prepared and fresh. This is my last presentation before the end of the term. I have to do my best tomorrow. I hope I am not ruining your plans for the evening.
E: No, that’s OK.
S: Maybe we could repeat it someday? We can go to get something to eat ant than to a club. My treat!


Twój współlokator zawsze rano zajmuje łazienkę, gdy jest Ci ona potrzebna.

  • Wyraź swoje niezadowolenie z sytuacji.
  • Wyjaśnij, dlaczego Ci to nie odpowiada.
  • Wymyśl rozwiązanie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Hi Mike. I’d like to talk to you for a while.
E: What’s wrong?
S: I don’t like the way you use our bathroom. You always go first and seem to sit there for hours. I can’t use it and I have to go to school without taking the shower. When I wait for you to leave the bathroom, I am always late for school.
E: OK, but I like taking long showers. I do not want to resign from it.
S: So why don’t we swap? I will go first and you will wait? You don’t have to get up early.
E: OK, we can try.
E: Great. Good luck tomorrow.

Twoja znajoma chce szybko schudnąć, nie jedząc.

  • Przekonaj ją, że to zły pomysł.
  • Zaproponuj inne rozwiązanie.
  • Zachęć ją do aktywnego trybu życia.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I want to lose some weight by not eating at all. Do you think it is a good idea?
S: Certainly not! When you stop eating your muscles will learn to save up the energy and never need new one which means you will not lose weight.
E: That’s terrible! What should I do?
S: Why don’t you start eating more fruit and vegetables which are fibre rich and quit on sweets and fats. You will have a lot of energy and will quickly lose few kilos.
E: But I want to see the results as soon as possible!
S: Then, why don’t you start some fat burning sport, like jogging, swimming or joga.
Chcesz iść na basen, a kolega namawia cię do pójścia do kina.

  • Przekonaj go, dlaczego nie warto iść do kina.
  • Powiedz, co moglibyście robić na basenie.
  • Odrzuć argumenty przyjaciół.

E: It’s so hot let’s go to the cinema and spend great time in air conditioned auditorium.
S: Maybe we could go to the swimming pool instead? In the cinema we will spend ninety minutes in cool air and than we will come back to the heat. At the swimming pool our organism will cool and the heat won’t bother us anymore. Besides there is nothing interesting in the cinema now. I don’t want to waste my money.
E: You sound reasonable.
S: What’s more we’ll pay less for the swimming pool ticket than the cinema one.


Koleżanka z kursu językowego zamierza całkowicie zmienić fryzurę. Przekonaj ją.

  • że nie powinna obcinać ani farbować włosów,
  • że w obecnej fryzurze jest jej do twarzy.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I’m going to the hairdresser’s today. I’m having it cut and dyed.
S: I don’ think it’s a good idea. You’ve always had long hair and it looks perfect. It’s such a nice colour now and the cut suits you.

Przydatne zwroty

  • It’s not a good idea to…
  • It’s possibly best not to…
  • I’d advise you not to …
  • I don’t think you should…
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t…
  • If I were you, I’d think twice before…


Prosisz znajomego nauczyciela języka angielskiego, aby ten spotkał się z Tobą na kilka lekcji konwersacji. Zapytaj:

  • czy mógłby spotykać się trzy razy w tygodniu;
  • ile kosztowałyby zajęcia;
  • czy spotkania byłyby w Twoim domu.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: What do you think, could we meet three times a week?
E: I don’t think I could find time during the week.
S: Would it be possible to meet every Saturday or Sunday afternoon for three hours then?
E: It’s a good idea. I’m free around five on Saturdays.
S: How much do you charge for one lesson?
E: Usually 20 pounds.
S: If we meet for three hours, could you think about charging me a bit less?
E: Let’s say, every third lesson is for free.
S: Great. Can we meet at my place?
E: Sure, I know the address.


Twoja rodzina chce iść do kina w piątek, a ty wolisz nową wystawę o człowieku w muzeum etnograficznym. Namów ich na wystawę.

  • Opowiedz, co można zobaczyć na wystawie (np. trochę prehistorii).
  • Skuś ich możliwością obejrzenia filmu pt.: „Walka o ogień”.
  • Opowiedz o innych atrakcjach.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: We want to see a new James Bond movie!
S: We can see it next weekend, and Friday is the last day of the exhibition I have wanted to see for such a long time!
E: What can be so interesting about this exhibition?
S: There is the whole story about the prehistoric times and the history of the human beings presented. We will see all the types of humanoids made of wax. Beside you will be able to watch a very interesting movie called “The Battle on Fire”.
E: The film seems little boring.
S: But really it isn’t. It’s more like the James Bond films.
E: I can hardly believe it.
S: What’s more, in the shop next to museum you can buy all the funny gadgets from the exhibition and I would like to have small humanoids!


Chcesz przynieść do domu psa ze schroniska, przekonaj rodziców.

  • Powiedz, że jest to dobry pomysł, podając argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj podział obowiązków.
  • Odrzuć argumenty przytoczone przez rodziców.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Dog in the house brings a lot of troubles. First, who will take responsibility of him, second, it is a dog from shelter, what, if he has a disease or is ill – mannered? Besides, we have never had dog in a house, what if he destroys our expensive furniture. Finally, where are you going to play with him and how to feed him?

S: First of all, this is a healthy dog. He has his health card and besides, was treated very well in the shelter. What is important he is very young, which means that we can train him not to touch things. I promise, I will look after him when I am at home, and when I am not you can keep him in my room. If he destroys something, I will take the responsibility and repair it or pay for it. I am going to play with him in my room or in the park nearby. The owner of the shelter told me how to feed him, he can eat the same food as we do, really. Besides, having a dog in house keeps you in a good mood – scientists have already proved it! And mum, you keep saying that you want to lose some weight – what about going for walks with a dog?


Koledzy chcą iść na wycieczkę górską, ty uważasz, że lepiej byłoby wybrać się na spływ kajakiem.

  • Powiedz, że jest to dobry pomysł, podając argumenty.
  • Zwróć uwagę na atrakcyjność tego sportu.
  • Odrzuć przytoczone argumenty kolegów (na przykład – że jest to niebezpieczny sport).

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Why don’t we go mountain climbing? It is very healthy and relaxing. We know nothing about canoeing. Some of us are weak swimmers and it is rather a tiring activity, isn’t it? And it is probably pretty expensive, right?

S: First of all, we always do climbing, so why not try something new for a change? Canoeing it about rowing in a boat, and it is not tiring if you go down the river. It is very pleasant and relaxing and you can always admire views and take some great pictures. Besides, you don’t need to know it. We can join a professional canoeing camp. You will learn how to row very quickly. If some of us can not swim well, they will be provided with the life jackets in case a canoe goes up side down. Finally, it is not an expensive activity; it will not cost us more than climbing. I have checked the prices already. We will not spend money on accommodation because on such excursions you travel with tents. And there is a chance we will meet some new people, which is always an advantage, right?

Twój przyjaciel skręcił kostkę.

  • Spróbuj mu pomóc.
  • Doradź mu, co można zrobić.
  • Zasugeruj rozwiązanie.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: I think I have just broken my leg.
S: Can you move it?
E: Not really.
S: Try to stay calm. Does it hurt when I touch it here?
E: A bit.
S: I can see it is getting swollen, but if it doesn’t hurt much maybe then you have just twisted it.
E: I am going to call a doctor.
S: Okey, but first I will try look at it and touch it here and there delicately just to check. I am sure you have twisted it, it is not that bad. If I were you, I would try to immobilize it a bit so then the pain would be smaller.
E: You’d better do not touch it before the doctor comes.
S: But you can’t lie like that. Let’s try to immobilize the ankle. I will bring some elastic bandage and try to bandage your feet and ankle as to keep it stable. Look I will put your leg between these two small wooden parts and then bandage your leg. If I were you, I would do it. It will help your leg. And then we will call the doctor. Is it better a bit now?
E: Yes, thank you.

Ktoś na ulicy prosi Cię o pomoc w obsłudze automatu z napojami.

  • Spróbuj mu pomóc.
  • Powiedz, co ma po kolei zrobić.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Excuse me, could you please help me with this vending machine? It doesn’t seem to work properly.
S: Of course, sir. First you have to put the coins in the slot.
E: I don’t have the exact amount, is it OK?
S: No, you don’t, it gives back the change. Then you have to choose the drink you want by pressing one of the buttons. Next you confirm your choice by prassing the ”buy” button. After that you only collect the drink and don’t forget collecting the change.
E: I’ll try to remember that. Thank you very much.
S: You are welcome.


Twój tata w ramach oszczędności proponuje Ci pracę w jego sklepie komputerowym.

  • Powiedz, że chciałbyś pracować za wynagrodzenie, podaj, jakie.
  • Przypomnij mu, że znasz się świetnie na komputerach.
  • Zaproponuj, w jakich godzinach możesz pracować.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

S: Dad as for your suggestion. If you want me to work for you, you will have to pay me as a regular salesman.
E: But son, I wanted to make some savings.
S: Dad you don’t have to make any savings, the shop is doing great. You could just give me the job so I could get some money and experience. You know how impotrant is it to have some experience nowadays.
E: How much money do you want to earn a month?
S: Not much, I would like to earn some for holidays and maybe for a new koona.
E: That’s reasonable. Is 800 zlotys a month enough?
S: Don’t forget that I know everything about computers and I could advise the clients.
E: OK, but would you work everyday from Monday to Friday?
S: I could work everyday, but after 4 p.m. and never on Saturday.
E: So 800 zlotys is maximum I can offer you.
S: So we have a deal.


Wraz z kolegami chcesz iść do kina. Czekacie na spóźniającego się kolegę, który ma bilety.

  • Wyraź swoje zaniepokojenie.
  • Nie zgódź się z opinią osoby z Anglii co do powodu spóźnienia.
  • Zaproponuj, co zrobić w tej sytuacji. Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: I’m worried about John. Something must have happened to him. He is never late.
E: He must have forgotten about the meeting.
S: Impossible. He is very reliable. I have known him for years.
E: What shall we do now?
S: I will call him on his celt phone and ask him what is going on.
E: Let’s try this one.


Omawiasz ze swoim kuzynem z Kanady zakupiony przez Ciebie prezent urodzinowy dla cioci.

  • Wyraź swoje zadowolenie z kupna prezentu.
  • Nie zgódź się z krytyką swojego prezentu.
  • Podaj argumenty przekonujące do Twojego wyboru.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Look what I have got for auntie Jane! I think this cushion is beautiful.
E: Are you crazy? She bas thousands of them already!
S: But this is a Chinese pattern one. She has always dreamt about it!
E: I didn’t know about that. I think she does not collect cushions.
S: But she has got taste for pretty things. She will love it!


Szkoła chce przeznaczyć jedną z sal na dodatkowe zajęcia z WF-u lub sztuki. Zaproponowano uczniom do wyboru siłownię lub ciemnię.

  • Skrytykuj pomysł stworzenia siłowni.
  • Zaproponuj ciemnię.
  • Odeprzyj argumenty strony przeciwnej.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: What do you think of the new gym project?
S: I think gym is not very useful. It is a waste of money to have another gym in our school. We have got one well equipped already. I’d rather have the dark room.
E: But why?
S: There are no dark rooms in the city and we can always use the gyms that are available at port centers. Beside more and more people are interested in photography and having ones own dark room is very expensive.


Prosisz znajomego Anglika, aby ten udzielił Ci kilku lekcji konwersacji. Zapytaj.

  • Jak często moglibyście się spotykać.
  • Ile kosztowałyby zajęcia.
  • Gdzie mielibyście się spotykać.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: What do you think how often we could meet?
E: I don’t think I could find time during the week.
S: Would it be possible to meet every Saturday afternoon?
E: It’s a good idea. I’m free around five on Saturdays.
S: How much do you charge for one lesson?
E: Usually 20 pounds.
S: Since I’m your friend’s family could you think about charging me a bit less?
E: Every eighth lesson is for free.
S: Great. Can we meet at my place?
E: Sure, I know the address.


Kupiłeś w sklepie koszulkę. Po powrocie do domu okazało się, że rodzice zrobili Ci niespodziankę, kupując taką samą koszulkę. Idź, więc do sklepu i:

  • Wyjaśnij, co się stało.
  • Zapytaj, czy możesz ją zwrócić.
  • Zaproponuj, co chciałbyś zrobić w tej sytuacji.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: I have a problem with one item I have bought at your store. Could you please help me?
E: Of course, what’s the matter?
S: I bought this T-shirt yesterday, when I went home it showed up that my parents had bought exactly the same one for me. Would it be possible to return it and get my money back?
E: Certainly, it’s our new collection. I’ll take back it if you just show me the receipt.
S: Great, here it is.
E: Maybe you would like to choose another one at the same price?
S: Well, O.K. Let me just take a look at what you have got in stock.
E: Take your time, there’s no rush.


Spędzasz wakacje u angielskiej rodziny, chcesz z kolegami spędzić parę dni w górach. Gospodarze nie są tym pomysłem zachwyceni.

  • Przekonaj ich, że jest to bezpieczne.
  • Powiedz, co zamierzacie robić.
  • Obiecaj być w stałym kontakcie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go on that trip.
S: But it is totally safe! We will stay at my friend’s house near the main route in the mountains. Beside we are only going for some hiking. We are not planning any serious climbing.
E: I still don’t understand why mountains?
S: Because I have never been there before, and I heard it is beautiful. I’m old enough to take care of myself. I can promise to keep in touch with you all the time.
E: I’m still not convinced.
S: My friend’s parents are going to show us around ­sometimes because they know all the paths. So it is completely safe.


Twoja angielska znajoma chce przejść na dietę.

  • Zaproponuj inny sposób na schudnięcie.
  • Odrzuć jej argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj wizytę u dietetyka.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I’ve heard about this new fantastic diet and I’m thinking of trying it for a while.
S: Why don’t you take up some sport instead of wasting your time and money on something that is completely unreliable?
E: Well, they say it works.
S: If it’s not written by a scientist,
you shouldn’t believe it.
E: I need something to lose weight.
S: If you are only thinking of changing your diet, not the whole lifestyle, try seeing a real specialist like a dieter. He could help you with changing your diet into a healthy and nourishing one.


Przez pomyłkę sprzedano Ci bilet w przedziale dla palących. Jesteś uczulony na dym. Znajdź konduktora:

  • Wytłumacz sytuację.
  • Wyraź nadzieję, że problem zostanie rozwiązany.
  • Ustosunkuj się do propozycji konduktora.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Excuse me, could you please help me?
E: What’s the matter?
S: I’ve been sold a ticket for a smoking compartment by mistake. Unfortunately I am allergic to nicotine smoke. Could you check if there are any free seats in non smoking compartment? And would it be possible if I moved there?
E: That’s not a problem. Collect your luggage and follow me.
S: Thank you very much.
E: Not at all.


Znajomy Anglik, z którym właśnie wychodzisz z restauracji, proponuje Ci jeszcze pójście do kina.

  • Uprzejmie odmów, podając przyczynę.
  • Wyraź nadzieję, że nie zakłóci to planów kolegi.
  • Zaproponuj rozwiązanie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Do you feel like going to the cinema after such a delicious dinner?
S: Don’t get me wrong. It was a lovely dinner but I have to go and prepare myself for tomorrow.
E: What is tomorrow?
S: I’ve got an important test and I can’t fail it. I hope I am not ruining your plans for the afternoon.
E: No, that’s all right.
S: Maybe we could repeat it someday? We can go to the cinema and then for dinner. My treat!


Dzielisz pokój z kolegą. Chcesz przemeblować Wasze lokum dla wygody.

  • Zaproponuj inne ustawienie mebli.
  • Nie zgódź się z jego argumentami.
  • Zaproponuj inne rozwiązanie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: I was thinking about rearranging the desks in our room. We could put them both beside the window, so we can both take the advantage of the day light while studying.
E: But what about computers?
S: Just think about it. It would be great playing games sitting face to face.
E: I am not sure. I got used to this arrangement. I’m not in the mood for making mess.
S: Just say ‘yes’ and I will take care of it.
E: I’m afraid I will have to sleep with it and I will give answer tomorrow.
S: Oh, don’t be so serious. It’s only about desks. If you don’t like it, I will move them back.


Wasz nauczyciel organizuje wycieczkę. Ty chcesz zobaczyć Londyn, ale inni w Twojej klasie chcą jechać do lunaparku.

  • Skrytykuj ich pomysł.
  • Podaj argumenty za wyjazdem do Londynu.
  • Odeprzyj argumenty strony przeciwnej.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: It will be fun if we go to funfair!
S: Sorry, but I think it’s not a very good idea. London is a place we should look forward to, not a childish funfair.
E: But we want to get some fun. I am tired of sightseeing and I can’t see anything interesting in visiting old churches. Funfair is a place for everybody.
S: Funfair is a place for children. You can always go there at the weekend. I’m not willing to spend pocket money on roller
-coaster. And London is a great city. There are a lot of shops if you need to spend your money. We have never been to any of London’s museums. What’s more there is a great exhibition in Tate Modern which is mostly worth visiting. Beside you have Central Park there to play if you need.


Angielski znajomy prosi Cię o przepisanie dla niego wypracowania z historii na komputerze.

  • Zapytaj, na kiedy ma być gotowe wypracowanie.
  • Dowiedz się, ile znajomy gotów jest Ci zapłacić.
  • Nie zgódź się na proponowaną cenę.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Can you do me a favour? I need to hand in my History essay and my computer is broken. Could you rewrite my handwriting on your computer for me, please? I can pay you for it.
S: When do you want it to be ready?
E: I need to hand it in on Wednesday.
S: But we only have two days!
E: I know it’s pretty urgent…
S: I can do it but for 20 pounds.
E: Twenty pounds?! It is too much.
S: I know it’s a lot but I have only two days to do it. I will not be able to do anything else.
E: OK, rewrite it nicely, and I will pay you 20 pounds.


Jesteś u ciotki w Londynie. Zaprzyjaźniony sąsiad prosi Cię o skoszenie trawnika.

  • Przeproś go, podając powód, dla którego nie możesz tego zrobić.
  • Zaproponuj inną porę.
  • Zaoferuj swoją pomoc w pracach domowych.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, could you do me a favor? I don’t feel well and my lawo needs mowing. Could you do this for me?
S: Of course, but not at the moment. I’ve got homework to do. I could do it later this afternoon. Would it be all right?
E: That would be great.
S: Is there anything else I could do for you? Maybe you need help with other housework?


Jesteś na wakacjach w Anglii. Chcesz spędzić tydzień w Irlandii. W biurze podróży dowiedz się o:

  • Możliwość wyjazdu wterminie, który Cię interesuje.
  • Cenę wyjazdu, transport.
  • Warunki pobytu.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: I would like to go for a one week trip to Dublin. Is it possible at the end of the month with your tour operator?
– Let me check… I can arrange something for 28th.
S: What will be the price for the return plane ticket and accommodation in one of the students’ hostels?
E: If you have Euro 26 Card, it will be around 250 pounds.
S: And how much of this is a plane ticket?
E: With this package it would be 180 pounds.
S: Can you tell me a bit about the accommodation?
E: It would be a well equipped room shared with five other people in the centre of the town.
S: Sounds interesting. Please, book this trip for me.


Twój angielski współpasażer podróży chce otworzyć okno w przedziale.

  • Uprzejmie wyraź sprzeciw, przedstawiając swój powód.
  • Zaproponuj inne wyjście z sytuacji.
  • Przystań na propozycję wspótpasażera.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Would you mind my opening the window?
S: I’d rather you didn’t. I’ve got a cold and the breeze would make me feel even worse. But maybe we could change the seats?
E: Let’s do it and I will open the compartment’s door, shall I?
S: Sounds good.
E: Great, thanks.


Twój kolega z Anglii pyta się Ciebie, co sądzisz o jego nowej fryzurze. Grzecznie skomentuj jego uczesanie.

  • Wyraź z wahaniem swoje zdanie.
  • Uzasadnij swoją opinię.
  • Doradź zmianę fiyzury.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: How do you like my new hairdo?
S: To be honest with you I liked the previous one better.
E: But don’t you like it now?
S: I think it’s too long at the back and too short at the sides. You look almost like a punk.
– Oh, well I like it this way.
– It’s our head but if I were you, I’d trim it a bit at the back.


Chciałbyś zaprosić dawno niewidzianą kuzynkę na całe wakacje do Was. Rodzice nie są zachwyceni tym pomysłem, spróbuj więc:

  • wyjaśnić, że kiedy ostatnio byliście u niej, bardzo się zaprzyjaźniliście;
  • zapewnić, że kuzynka będzie pomagała w domu, a nie czuła się tylko jak gość;
  • zaproponować, że możecie razem wyjechać na obóz, jeśli jej rodzice się zgodzą.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I’ve heard you have got an idea concerning holidays…
Z: Yes, I have. Would you mind if I invited my cousin Mary for the whole holidays to our house?
E: Yes, I would mind. I’m not going to spend all summer cooking for Mary and tidying her clothes.
Z: But, mummy, you don’t know her very well, she’s exceptionally responsible. She’ll be doing everything herself, all the housework. She won’t expect being treated as a guest for two months!
E: I’m not convinced yet.
Z: Remember that last year I was a guest at her house. We became very close then.
E: What about a shorter period of time?
Z: I wouldn’t like to give up an idea of meeting but perhaps we could go for a camp together for a fortnight in July?
E: It sounds good. I’ll talk it over with your dad.

Koleżanka z kursu językowego chce całkowicie zmienić fryzurę. Powiedz jej,

  • że nie powinna obcinać ani farbować włosów,
  • przekonaj ją, że w obecnej fryzurze jest jej do twarzy,
  • wyraź nadzieję, że nie zmieni nic w swoim wyglądzie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.
Egzaminator może rozpocząć dialog w następujący sposób:

  • I’m going to the hairdresser’s today. I’m having it cut and dyed.
  • I don’ think it’s a good idea. You’ve always had long hair and it looks perfect.
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t cut your hair. This hair-do suits you very much.
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t do it. It’s such a nice colour now and the cut suits you.
  • You look beautiful with long hair. I don’t think you should cut it.

Zwroty przydatne, przy perswazji

  • It’s not a good idea to…
  • It’s possibly best not to…
  • I’d advise you not to…
  • I don’t think you should…
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t…
  • If I were you, I’d think twice before…