Temat: praca

Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Podczas wakacji chciałabyś podjąć pracę w supermarkecie. Poszukują kasjerek:

  • pytasz, czy możliwe jest zatrudnienie w niepełnym wymiarze godzin;
  • chcesz wiedzieć, jakie możliwości rozwoju oferuje firma;
  • pytasz, ile przerw przysługuje Ci dziennie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Can I help you?
Z: Yes, I was wondering if I could get a job in your supermarket but first I’d like to ask you a few questions. Is it possible to work part-time here?
E: Yes, it is.
Z: What are the possibilities of personal develepment and career in your company?
E: If you work very hard in a year you could become the section manager and after next several years and graduating from university it is possible for everybody to become the store manager.
Z: It’s really promising. How many breaks would I have during the day if I took up the job?
E: Our staff has 2 breaks a day. Each break is 20 minutes long.
Z: I’ll take the position. Here is my CV.



Firma, w której przebywałeś na praktykach, wbrew umowie nie chce wypłacić Ci wynagrodzenia:

  • nalegaj na to, by jednak wypłacono Ci pieniądze;
  • nie zgodź się na zamianę gotówki na wolny dzień;
  • wyjaśnij, że w przypadku dalszych problemów będziesz zmuszony oddać sprawę do sądu.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Z: Good afternoon, can I speak to the manager, please? I was on the internship in your company three months ago and I still haven’t received the salary for this time. What’s happened?
E: We have decided the internship is going to be unpaid in our firm, I’m sorry.
Z: But you have taken up the decision after my internship. The money should be on my bank account by now!
E: What about giving you a day off instead of money?
Z: I don’t like the idea. I am not working at the moment and I have holidays all the time. I need my pay.
E: I will have to discuss it with the management.
Z: OK, discuss it, but I have to warn you that in case of problems I am going to go to court. I assume it would be better if we settled our dispute via mediation. Think about it. Good bye.


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiedz koleżankom, jak wyglądała Twoja praca wakacyjna w Wielkiej Brytanii.

  • Poskarż się, że stanowisko pracy nie odpowiadało Twoim kwalifikacjom.
  • Zrelacjonuj przebieg Twojego pierwszego kontaktu z „żywym angielskim” w pracy.
  • Wyraź ogólną opinię, czy pojechałabyś tam ponownie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I’ve heard you’ve been working in the UK. What was it like?
Z: It wasn’t so great. It all started when I arrived in London. I was offered a position of a waiter and here, in Poland, I was promised to get the stewardess job. I wanted to fly back at once!
E: And what did you do?
Z: Eventually, I decided to start working in the restaurant. It wasn’t so simple, as it occurred after some time. When the first customer asked me for something I couldn’t understand a word – I was so stressed and his English wasn’t even a bit similar to the one I knew from school! It was shocking!
E: But you managed to get another, better job?
Z: Well, yes, I worked after some time as a stewardess there. But to sum up, I must tell you I wouldn’t decide to leave once again. I missed my family very much and I didn’t feel at home there. I’d rather look for a job in my town.