Temat: szkoła

Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Chciałbyś zapisać się na kurs przygotowujący do egzaminu na akademię sztuk pięknych. Dzwonisz do sekretariatu instytucji prowadzącej kurs, aby zapytać:

  • ile trwa kurs i kiedy się zaczyna;
  • o cenę i o to, czy można płacić w ratach;
  • czy instytucja daje jakąś gwarancję dostania się na wymarzoną uczelnię.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Z: Good morning. I would like to register for the Academy of Arts preparation course but I have some questions regarding the classes.
E: Yes, how can I help you?
Z: Please, tell me how long the course lasts and when it starts.
E: It lasts for six months and it starts on October, 15th.
Z: OK, it suits me. I would like to know how much the course costs.
E: It costs 1000 zlotys for the whole cycle of classes.
Z: Can I pay by instalments?
E: Yes, of course. We offer small interest charge if you pay by instalments.
Z: All right. I have got one question more: can you guarantee me that after your course I will be a student of the Academy of Arts?
E: Unfortunately we are unable to give you such a guarantee. We can only assure you that we will provide you with the most updated and comprehensive knowledge about arts.
Z: I must think it over. I’ll call you back in a few days. Thank you, good bye.
E: Good bye.



Dyrektor szkoły, do której chodzisz, w ramach kary decyduje o przeniesieniu Cię do równoległej klasy:

  • odrzuć taką propozycję;
  • poproś o podanie przyczyn takiej decyzji;
  • zaproponuj inną karę dla siebie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Although you have had many warnings your behaviour hasn’t changed at all. That’s why we decided to move you to class B.
Z: But, sir, I think I should not be punished now. I’ve improved my behaviour since the beginning of the school year much!
E: Well, yes, but the teachers are still complaining about your chatting, bad marks and dirty language.
Z: I would like to know what the direct reason for your decision was, sir.
E: It was the fact you were playing truant last month for 10 days. I cannot tolerate such behaviour in my school.
Z: I understand, but I really would like to enhance my results in this school. What about my suspension for a month? I guess such punishment would be more fair!
E: It’s not a bad idea. Let us try, but remember – if you do not start to behave correctly, you will have to change the class.


Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiadasz rodzicom przy obiedzie, jak minął pierwszy dzień w nowej szkole. Mówisz:

  • o tym, że budynek nie zrobił na Tobie najlepszego wrażenia;
  • która lekcja najbardziej Ci się podobała i dlaczego;
  • jak wyglądała procedura wyjścia ze szkoły.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Z: I would like to tell you about my first day in the new school.
E: What was it like? We are all ears!
Z: First, I didn’t like the school building much. At first sight it seemed to be quite miserable: old bricks in the walls, a lot of graffiti – it wasn’t what I expected it to be!
E: But finally you changed your mind?
Z: Well, yes, as day went on the building look lost its importance. All lessons today were interesting, but History was just wonderful! The teacher was talking about the Battle of Waterloo and I felt as if I were there, among the soldiers. It was an amazing feeling!
E: That’s great!
Z: Yes, it was the most wonderful lesson I’ve ever had. But in the end of the day something strange happened to me. When the classes had finished I wanted to go home and the security guard at the door… asked me for a piece of paper with my timetable on it to prove I am allowed to leave the building! It was funny. Luckily, I saw my tutor at the entrance so I asked her to certify I am not going to play truant.
E: You were really lucky to meet her! And now continue your dinner…